Thursday, October 10, 2024

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 AnonymousOctober 9, 2024 at 10:05 PM

 Here in WV, right in the geographic center, 7 years ago we had a biblical toad strangler come down on us, 12 inches of rain in 10 hours, biblical shit, shit i and other saw you would call me a psychopath making shit up. I can not even describe what that amount of water does, bet you hardly heard a peep about either. Know what though, it was two weeks in most places up in these ridges and hollows before we saw a single government official, and by then everyone living here and outside the rain path pulled together and helped eachother, by the time the first fema assholes showed their faces everyone just about had got thru it and was doing good. They and others came in like stink on shit ordering everyone around, they condemned houses right out under people fast as they could drive around, they hired 30 yard dumpsters filled them with mountains if donations, telling us it was not approved disaster supplies, farmers killed hogs and cows, paid for butchering at local meat shops and donated it at volunteer fire stations, that what the fuckers could get threw it out too. Wasn't approved they said. Unbelievable words can not convey what fucking assholes these fucks are. We where this enemy not worthy of consideration in any shape or form. Regardless us good folks in these mountains we all stuck together, we, chain sawed our way out miles of road, we went around checking in eachother, we brought foid heaters fuel generatirs whatever was needed, we spent our money and labor and time to rescue ourselves, while a couple humvees with soldiers sat under awnings and passed out bottles of water and MRE's, just sat at a couple gas stations, that is all the aid i witnessed in 2 weeks, thats all anyone i know seen, except fema fucks at the fire stations filling dumpsters throwing out mountains of supplies, i saw three 30 yard dumpsters filled 6 ft over the rim, i had to go see it myself, all good stuff, new in box gen sets, to baby diapers in the bag, and replaced it with fucking shit. Nothing. I helped butcher 14 hogs and 4 1200 lb cows, people donated, they even paid for butchering supplies, i worked for free, 1 week solid 12 hours straight with a dozen others so folks could have good wholesome ready food, made hamburger and sausage so it was easy to deliver and hand out. Know how much meat that is? dozens of pock ups came by and delivered it soon as it was flash froze.
It was all like we lived on a planet where no others but us existed for two weeks. it was actually pretty sweet, the sense we all could do anything and get it done no matter what like GOD himself was behind us all the way, no shit on that. Not one bit. You got to see it yourself to understand. The 14 mile one lane goat path we live on, every body just grabbed chain saws and tractors and cut out way out, and we where one road out of hundreds in just our county of 2000 living souls, the size of the state of RhodeIsland. It felt like the outside world simply disappeared. Seriously. We fixed the washed out roads. We clawed our ways up totally choked up hollows to get older folks and bring them to some others homes to dry out and get a meal and a warm bed. By the time the "authorities" appeared" we simply had zero fucking use for any of them. What where they doing for two entire weeks? None if us knew or know now but they where not around here. Shit bakes your fucking noodle, because you realize, that absolute feeling where you know the truth cold and hard, it was an organized criminal conspiracy in no uncertain terms. And its this dark secret element which hates us all and is constantly, day by day hour by hour in every way their illigetimate powers give them, killing us, every day, without stop. And hardly a soul among us grok this shit. Just stop, give it a good think, you will see it all of a sudden. That thing we call government, it is the enemy balls to bones. Just look around you, its a pattern IN detail, it shows a pattern OF detail, that shows you what is going on all around us. Right this fucking second. 24/7/365. We are nothing to IT.







  1. I've been saying for years, that the community needs to take care of it's own. This is a great (horrible) example of that philosophy. I will continue to create my network to be able to fend for myself should the worst scenario happen to me and my family. I just pry that others will see the beast that this government has become and help to begin the long process of doing what is needed to regain control of our institutions. Otherwise we are in for a world of hurt and I fear for my children.

    1. Everyone expects someone else to do it for them when no one can get it done on their own

    2. Just wait till that kind on unity is applied in another format all across the nation if you know what I mean

    3. Lived and worked in southern Ohio and West Virginia all my life. Like the Hank Jr song says, " ain't too many things us old boys can't do... you can' t starve us out and you can't make us run, cause we're the old boys raised on shotguns...These people will give you the shirt off their backs to help you, just don't steal from them, mess with their family or f**k with them and we'll all get along just fine. Some of the best God fearing people you will ever meet. We pray before a meal and thank God for all our blessings and ask Him for forgiveness and grace as we live our lives on His earth. And don't think just because we live in the sticks that we're stupid people. We have helped put rovers on Mars, built bridges over the Ohio river, brought timber off the mountains in Cass to build the fancy homes and lodges, drilled the wells and mined the coal that have made this country run since Lincoln was president. We know how to make it, fix it and protect it and we ain't going anywhere when the going gets tough and that's a fact.. Jack.

  2. And there you have it from a first person witness.
    The report will, and of COURSE it will, be dismissed as dis-information by the soul-less tax-paid hacks and the propagandists that support them.
    They hate you, and they hate me. They want us silenced if not dead.

  3. Some people can look the truth right in the face and deny it. Some of us can't.

  4. Wouldn't it be a hoot if the county sheriffs would arrest and detain these fema folks for something like their paperwork not being in order ? 😉

    1. I read a story a few days ago about FEMA closing a land fill for dumping storm debris from Helene In FL. The county sheriff was standing right along side the FEMA jackwad threatening to arrest the guy that was trying to dump for obstruction.


    2. The police showed how much concern they had for us during the covid lockdown.
      Turning our towns into prisons. Some of us can look truth in the face and deny it.

    3. Accounts like this of present and past maladministration by FEMA and the like make me wonder why, when FEMA shows up late to the party and starts throwing their non existent weight around "because I'm from the government and you will respect mah authoritah" the locals just don't bury these assholes in a pile of mud or at the bottom of a now disused mine shaft without benefit of being dead first. I've always been a proponent of bringing back tarring and feathering.. Maybe they'd get the message then.

      "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' - Ronnie Raygun, August 12th, 1986.


    4. Or arrest them for theft of donations or destruction of private property.


    5. Regarding those landfills, DeSantis reopened all of them since state troopers to tear down the fences and reopen them in order for homeowners to continue cleaning the debris from their yards in preparation for Milton.

    6. They will follow orders just like Patton, Ike and McArthur did against the bonus army, you could look it up.

    7. FEMA is not a .gov institution, it is a private inc. registered in Delaware, same address as US inc. and the Fed, they are private owned entities, and owned by the Rothschild, (aka the rothschillians), family, who are ancient Solomon bloodline families, it is the core of one of the critical things in this world you must control for world domination, which is first financial control of the printing and movement of all money no matter the state or country, the Fed takes every tax dollar from every nation and delivers it to one bank in London, within a acre size state independent of the Britain government, everyone gets a piece, and maybe, if us little people are lucky, maybe 1% goes back fir running fixing and supporting your country, plus 10% of that take goes to the order of the black sun, these aee your "security" for the orders of the dragon, red is Rothschild, yellow is the Chinese Lei families, blue is some old Jap mafia families, and so on, the money side operations are derived from Babalinian black money majics, which are your present day Khazarian mafia, aka the fake jews running Israel, aka the Ashkenazi jews, get it? Nazi as in Ashke-nazi, which among all the other forms of political/nation state governments, the Brauer family invented, just as this const republic was a creation by tge same people, (but not the Compact of Confederation nor the Confederacy, those are real genuine people invented entities), but the Fed also used to print all paper currencies in the world, to boot, so you see how much inherent control is baked into their power, while the black sun is your political control, all your intell agencies, they have these "5 Star Generals" who control "military theater", and so that covers those parts of governments, Langely Five, 5 sections of the see eye a who are control by different factions, and the black nobility and silent circle, think the movie about a guy who kills another dude in a protected hotel, you get the picture, and it shows the gangstalkers network they control, its control control control, FEMA is simply a money laundering outfit, same as Red Cross and other NGO's, they cover all the bases, it is a global criminal gang in simple but accurate terms, and us good folks are tgeir slaves and cash cows, no diff than a local mafia family running everything, just its globally encompassing. But, but in 2007, they lost control of the global monetary system, which is this insane quantum computing system called Omega, back stopped by another called Alpha, it was so no one but one particular actor had full control, but everyone because they believe they are special people all think they control everything when in fact, they too are slaves for a higher order power. complex. truth far stranger than fiction. Lot of folks are not ready mentally to seriously wrap their noodle around this. It is falking apart though and why everything is so FUBAR'd beyond belief. They are almost broke. A very good thing indeed.

    8. One of our Deputy Sherrifs told us this, it is a quote as exact as I can remember, thus Deputy stopped, looked me straight in the eye, while I was standing with my shotgun broke open across my arms, a bunch of had tried to catch 3 B&E shitstains who hit a house next to me on Christmas eve while we where at anothers house having a community get together, he says, "You know something, we all know who you all are up here, we never have any trouble from you all, we know all of you your all good people, but our hands are tied, we can do nothing about these characters, we bag them, put them in lock-up, next day they are out and giving us the finger as we watch them walk away, it is time you all people are going to have to take care of these things yourselves, we know you all are good folks, but that is jow it is now", and he says good bye and drives off, then, two weeks later, a tweeker runs thru somebodies cattle fence into his spring pond, and the State Policeman who came to the call, says almost word for word the same this Deputy Sheriff told us on Christmas eve. By the way at best we have 5 deputies who cover our county. Plus a couple Staties, on call out on the big state route.

    9. I've had one local sheriff's officer tell me to 'make sure to flip him over and put one in the front. Makes my job easier.'

  5. Was out of power for 27 days during an ice storm. My we used a snowbank for a refrigerator, a camp stove to cook on, wood stove kept the house warm (Thank You, Vermont Castings!), oil lamps for light, and a battery-powered TV/Radio to keep in touch with the world. Never saw FEMA until 2 weeks after, and they left a mountain of forms that eventually got my furnace replaced. Everything else in the basement was a total loss due to 4 feet of groundwater seepage.

  6. now you know where all the hall monitors from school went when the graduated. they went into government.

    1. That's my take - all the "D" students went into goverment

  7. [I wrote this on Ripley's Back Porch, hosted by the indomitable Schnitzel Republic]
    If I was in charge of transportation instead of new 'parent' mayor pete, I would side-step fema.
    I would hire every Redneck with a backhoe to clear roads and build bridges.
    I might even order the faa to get out of the way of the Cajun Airforce.
    And I just might take my sweet time noticing if a bunch of bureaucrats came up missing after a mudslide or something...

  8. Ask the folks in New Mexico who were ravished by forest fires two years ago (set by the US Forest Service none the less) about the good work FEMA has done to date (lawsuits are now pending). How much money goes in? How much comes back out? As 'they' say at this point: no is coming to save you. You (and me and mine) are truly on our own: accepting that is a sense of freedom.

  9. Butchered the wrong hogs.

  10. FEMA and minions, the new Blue helmets.

  11. I saw this at Katrina. My satellite communication team was sworn in as Louisiana State Police so that we would have full access. At most of the parish EOC's we were the first outsiders they had seen. I supervised 11 SATCOM teams and over half of the sights we chainsawed our ways in. It was about a week before the Army and FEMA showed up.

    1. We don't need no stinking badges! how about those firearms confiscated. For Your Safety

    2. Hell of an idea when the badges come take them and there guns before they take you.

  12. The United States and Ez/rahh/ell are the true Axis of Evil in the world. All the way back to custard the government has lied and reneged on their promises to other people. Historically, government was created to keep the barbarians at the gate. The barbarians are in the gate. All the laws and statutes and conveniences that have been created or passed by our government was never about protecting us. It was about protecting them.

  13. One wonders why, if the story about all that stuff being thrown in those "30 yard Dumpsters" why the people stood around and let it happen rather than taking action.

    Many years ago, FEMA tried that at a flood ....tried bossing people around and claiming that some aid wasn't good enough and other stupid shit.....and got told to walk away....they were smart and chose leave for awhile before anyone got hurt.

    If the story is true (and it might well be) then these people, while helping each other and organizing for themselves, are sheep to the government's wolf. FEMA works FOR US ...we are not subservient to them. They have no power unless you let them have it.

  14. FEMA needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up. There's too much wrong with it to fix. But at the core I will guarantee you it's about money and fraud. FEMA officials have been using a strange term lately in their community meetings and it hasn't gone unnoticed. "Preferred Supplier". How does one become a preferred supplier for FEMA? Are there businesses out there just warehousing emergency supplies for FEMA? I doubt it. I'm guessing there's a couple FEMA procurement specialists that are getting rich AF.

    1. Government needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up. Fixed it for you.

    2. Preferred supplier is a thing in the gov. Husband works for an agency where most supplies and materials must come from a list of preferred suppliers and vendor businesses. To get on that list, you need to be a disadvantaged or minority owned business. And yes, they charge way more than he would pay if he sourced the product from the open market. That’s how the gov spends your tax dollars.

    3. When I worked for a company as a major supplier to GE, we were "encouraged" to purchase from minority suppliers, at a "slightly" increased cost. My company absorbed the "slight" up charge.
      Bear in Indy

  15. Maybe slightly off topic, but I notice a massive difference in the responses between North Carolina and Florida.
    Not seeing a damn thing from Roy Cooper (democrat) and already 2 weeks in.
    On the other hand, Ron DeSantis (republican) had thousands of linemen standing ready, fuel trucks getting police escorts to where they're needed and giving updates of the damage and assessments on the first day.
    Make of it what you will, it's just an observation.

  16. They got us hooked on the money. When I say "us", I mean individuals, business owners and corporations. To our detriment, too many folks love the leisure.

  17. Disband every 3 letter agency, fire every employee. They are worse than useless, they literally ARE the problem.

  18. I understood that a FEMA Ahole tried to confiscate a pallet of chainsaws in Tennessee and was firmly rewarded with a country boy ass whooping. I’m afraid it’ll be at least that bad in our little community in Alabama


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