Monday, August 12, 2024

There are a lot of unanswered questions about the Donald J. Trump/Butler, PA assassination attempt.

 This video begs even more questions using "ping" locations based on cell phone data. My greatest question has it's origins in the fact that the media is intentionally quite about such a historic event as the assassination of a past president and a current presidential candidate. The void in the news cycle screams volumes to me. Imagine if the attempt had been any other president in our lifetime but Trump (i.e. Bill Clinton mid-nineties comes to mind). The coverage would still be non-stop/24-7!


  1. That was the First rally that was televised Live. Wunner Why
    Serious question.
    Which bullet killed the Man in the stands?

    1. Why? Because it was all a psyop. We'll forever have that iconic and staged photo to remember what a successful psyop it was.

  2. the media wants people to forget it.

  3. The event will continue to be dissected in minutia for a long while. The ability to keep a secret has to evolve to compensate the new information gathering capabilities. Either the facts will be found, or there are improved capabilities to defeat investigators.
    There are so many basic errors that allowed those shots, that it indicates intentional negligence. That level of command and control failure is astounding. If there was nothing other than a lone assailant, the world will never believe it, I.E. JFK.

  4. There's no way you are going to make me believe that that 130 yard shooting lane was left open by accident.

  5. One of the biggest "tells" in my opinion is the photo showing the "vapor trail" of the bullet that nicked Trumps ear. I read that the professional photographer who took that picture was using settings of 1/8000th of a second exposure and burst speed of 30 images a second. Those are settings that one would use trying to capture a formula 1 wreck at a bad corner, not a stationary person. Why would a professional use those settings at that venue unless they were expecting to catch a high speed event such as bullet wound tissue flying through the air?

    1. Having known a bunch of them and been a semi-pro myself, practically a lifetime ago, I'd say force of habit.

      A fast shutter speed is easy to do outside in the sun and protects your carefully aligned photos from somebody moving. You sacrifice nothing to get additional sharpness and sharpness is EVERYTHING.

    2. Especially now that you never run out of "film."

  6. One of my favorite memes that has hit since this attempt to kill Trump said, "you know the country is in bad shape when there's an attempted assassination and the conversation comes down to whether or not the government did it or are they just so f*****g awful at their most basic tasks that we can't tell the difference."

    Corrupt as hell or incompetent? It's not a choice. They can be both.

    1. I say corrupt derives from incompetence. Corruption therefore an indice of lack of competency.

    2. incompetency and corruption together means you got stupid and caught. corruption without getting caught is worshiped as high art in some parts of the planet. usually asian, or communist/ex-communist countries.

  7. I want to know when did the “We don’t shoot first” rule start?
    And IF it ONLY applies to Trump?

    I live in a leftist state, and I don’t have to wait until someone shoots before I can.

  8. And with the exception of all you 'Right-wing conservative crazy conspiracy therorists', that whole day has been washed-rinsed-repeated right out of the msm.
    Funny that, huh.

  9. Yes. No shortage of questions. But don't expect any answers. At least not honest ones.

  10. ...putting the Eff Bee Eye is in charge of the "investigation", assures that We The People will NEVER know the truth.


  11. I’m not saying it was a false flag, but…

  12. devil's advocate...if it were to be faked, a squib behind the ear combined with live fire into the crowd to sell the fake would look exactly the way we saw it live on TV......and the only people that would have to be "in" on the fake would be the special effects person, trump, the shooter, and whomever thought it was a good idea not to cover that roof. the shooter is dead. and mysterious deaths of special effects people lately?

    anyone else remember the TV show "F/X"?


  13. Who told them there was going to be a counter sniper on that roof? If they were told that where was that sniper? Why would they say that if not for nefarious reasons?

  14. One thing I find interesting is that there was no 'blood' on Trump's right hand, the one he touched his right ear with.
    If a blood capsule was used, you'd think Trump would get a little of it on his hand.
    That leaves the possibility that a Secret Service agent broke a cap and smeared it on his ear and cheek, or that the special effects tech has gotten good enough that you can press a small blood packet to an area, but it has a bloodproof backing that prevents it from smearing on hands.

    1. One other thing: the shooting happened July 13, 2024,
      Trump's first public appearance post-shooting was July 26, 2024
      with Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-A-Lago, 13 days later.
      Just how long does it take an injury of that magnitude,
      past reconstructive surgery, to heal, for the swelling to go down,
      and any bruising to fade?
      It's a testament to the healing powers of a steady diet of Mickey D's
      Diet Coke & other fast food. (yes, that's sarcasm)
      Anon at August 16,02024 @8:05 PM

  15. I'm still puzzled by the reporting that said that by the time that they showed up with the warrant, that shooter's house was extraordinarily cleaned....as in "medically". Apparently, no trash and no silverware was found. I just don't buy that these 2 are neat freaks.

    The parents should not be punished for the crimes of their son,, but that said, they do have knowledge of some part of this story.


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