Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago..... Git 'er Goin'.......













 Did this post end prematurely?

Do you feel unfulfilled, may even embarrassed?

Are you left wanting moar?


  Well, tonight is your lucky night...

 Stop over and visit Boilerdoc's place for moar icing on

your cake.  <<<<<<<<

Stay safe out there and have a great long weekend if 

you get it as a holiday!!


  1. Holy Moley! Look (embigen it) at #6!! She has lizard eyes! Aliens are among us!

    1. Eyes? I did'nt notice if she had eyes. Never got that far.

    2. They all have lizard eyes. We don't notice because, well I didn't notice, either.
      Thank you, Irish
      Bear in Indy

  2. Splendiferous as always!

  3. I may have missed some, let me go back & check.

  4. Oof!
    You went above and beyond today my man.

  5. I see now why you were quiet most of the week. Quality like that takes time. It was a great show all the way around, but the 429 Mustang was awesome. The 109e (or maybe f??) was an uber kewl shot. The #109 blonde won "best in the show" IMHO and the cars, planes and everything else was top shelf. Great job!

  6. That's two weeks in a row, Irish. ;-) I thought it was going to be #70, but then #73 comes along and then, well, just too many good ones to try and pick. Outstanding collection, sir! Thank you!

  7. A bevy of beauteous milfs, which are always in order, but I want to put #85 in my pocket and carry her home.

  8. Very classy on 3, 37, outstanding on 6, 65, braving the elements on 8, don't know who 13 is but she can keep me warm, nice tush on 14, 29, 93, 163, close fit on 16, very Ruth Roman on 24, Flying Tigress on 54, nice hourglass on 66, nice hourglass on 69, nice looking older lady on 68, nice muscles on 73, gorgeous princess on 80, nice demure on 83, nice bush-net on 85, nice suspenders on 86, nice man's paradise on 105, nice comfy on 111, nice ready for more on 112, nice what I'd like to scrub on 116, noble sentiment on 121, nice splash on 135, Waiting for the first drop on 147.

  9. Another week and another supercalifragilisticexpialidocious collage of those big American breasts and gifs of those big American breasts in motion to go along some fur, a few of those eyes, Barbara without a bra, war birds, political memes, Detroit iron and more BIG TITS. Whew! What a presentation.

    Thanks and have a great weekend,

  10. #9 Just speaks to me. Unfortunately, she's saying "You're old, and your wife would kill you if I didn't." Just looking, thanks.

  11. Real quality, many thanks. I'm a sucker for the #13 type; #s 47, 62, 69 are a few of the bounty; #9 looks like a fun time.

  12. Thanks Irish. Nice cars and a Pepper Anderson to boot!

  13. 21Sheena queen of the jungle aka Irish McCalla soul mate of the Feral Irishman

  14. but wait there's more should have been the 3rd pix

  15. Polar bears wouldn't be caught dead in that neighborhood.

  16. Another fantastic collection!
    I can hear number 1!
    I love the Buick GSX in Apollo White! A Saturn Yellow one behind it...
    Thank for the other vehicles as well, especially the P-40, the B-17s and the Cutlass
    I wish I knew more of the lovely ladies beyond the celebs, but 45 is the magnificent Zuzana Drabrinova, and 111 is Ewa (or Iga, anglicized to Eve) Wyrwal
    And as usual, you always find the best coffee girls!
    Thanks for all you do!

  17. #38 Kermit FTW


  18. There are lots of pretty young women. By the time they're 30 it's half that. By the time they're 40 it's half of that half. And by the time they're 50 half of the that half.
    I went to a fair where 200k people attended in one day. I didn't see one good looking woman all day. If you have one you are very lucky indeed.

  19. 95. Reminds me of my high school girl friend. 1973! Married her. Been 47 years!

  20. Thanks for all the great work.
    2 B-17's an Me109 and a Spitfire with an AT-6 or Harvard.

  21. I luv gals in cowboy hats; especially if they or the hats are good looking.


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