Thursday, July 25, 2024

I've been wondering if TMC might have been kin to the Haggen's???


Ever since I heard the news of the failed Trump assassination and his ear getting shot I cannot get this image from an old B&W episode (not sure why it appears colored) of Gunsmoke out of my head. I am surprised that someone with more computer skills than I has not made this into some sort of parody. 

(AKA: Paul "Wrecking" Crew and Caretaker)



  1. Hey that's Dobbs from F troop! Plus a young Burt Reynolds -- what fun!

    1. Burt was Quint Asper, the town blacksmith and part Comanche, like Festus meant to take up some of the action stuff from Mr Dillon who was pushing 50.

  2. It’s Private Dobbs from F Troop!
    Actor James Hampton.

  3. Jes the li'l hangy down part. Ah, yes, I remeber it well.

  4. Them Haggens was rough stuff

  5. ... the same thought crossed my mind ... li'l hangy down part

  6. Yep. Someone with skills could superimpose Wray's face over Burt's and Crooks' over the kid

  7. It's a hoax/false flag, folks.
    Go to henrymakow.com to the left-hand sidebar, click Archives,
    go to 'July 22 Is Trump Lying About Assassination Attempt?'
    (Henry Makow is a Christianized jew, so he makes statements that may seem anti-semetic.)
    He had a post on July 16 that has disappeared, but if you do a Yandex search,
    'henry makow july 16 assassination staged by trump'
    you'll find several links, the one to 'before its news.com' has Henry's article
    and several more.
    Richard Sauder's substack has an article with links.
    State of the Nation.co has an article today (Friday, July 26, 2024,
    as well as links and sidebar.
    There was no damage to the ear, no blood on his collar or shirt,
    and no blood on Trump's hand.
    We're being played, folks.

    1. I don't give a rats arsehole if it was staged (but it wasn't)
      Trump 2024 MAGA.

    2. It just struck me yesterday how Trump fully turned his head to the right before the shots were fired.
      Some would say it was luck, some would say it was Providence.
      In my opinion, there was someone in front of the podium with a bluetooth or somesuch who signaled Trump to turn his head before the shot(s) were fired, one of which was miraculously caught on camera.
      Trump ducked down, broke the blood capsule or blood pack on his ear, a SS agent applied a blood line on his cheek (probably used a business card).
      If y'all will check out the photos I've listed, there is no blood on Trump's right hand, despite Trump saying there was blood everywhere.
      To Rich, as regards the future under Trump 2.0, I can only repeat what 'Jack Reacher' (Tom Cruise) said in the street fight:
      "Remember, you wanted this."

  8. Thanks for picking up my youtube video upload. The reason the landing image is in color is because I photoshopped the bandage over Festus' right ear and that's the color image I picked out of many. In retrospect I should have used a black and white image, as you mentioned. I uploaded the video 5 days ago.

    Here's part 2 of Shoot the Hangy Down Part of the Ear.

    Thanks again.

  9. I should have used footage from Part 2. Much better material. The episode is a classic as are almost all Gunsmoke episodes.


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