Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Some Road Rage









  1. Inman is the bomb, better here than UFC. Get out da way bitch.

  2. Stupid to hit with the front of your car where the engine is. Back up to do the ramming.

    1. But that's where the gas tank is. Now if you have a 1962 Lincoln, have at it.

  3. Guess he had one of those Falling Down days...

  4. Thank you Irish, that was f__king hilarious.

  5. I can't afford a new ride, or the insurance for it, but these 2 shitstains just destroyed 2 of them and now everyone else's rate gets raised. Way to go fuck wipes.

    1. Not in the US. Don't sweat it.

    2. Well, it's in another country so I'm pretty sure our rates are fine.

    3. We’re fucked on rates either way have you not looked at your bill this last year. Doubt it will be the last time as well. Only thing worse than the insurance company is the IRS, they both tell you what you owe.

    4. When I was reviewing my last renewal notice, I noted that the price had gone up AGAIN. So I went rooting through my check book to see how often they increased the my car insurance. Turns out it has been going up about 10% every year for the last six years. I wouldn't mind so much, but I hardly drive the damn car. I put 1000 miles on my last oil change which I change every six months or 3000 miles. I haven't hit 3000 miles in probably 10 years.

      After this revelation I was not happy. I've been with the same Ins.Co for thirty years or more and had one claim on the car and one claim on the home owners in that time. I checked rates for the same coverage with a couple other companies and found that I'm paying the least with my current insurer.

  6. Thanks Irish! That was hilarious. Inman is the best. Reminds me of the mall parking lot duel from Malcolm in the middle. Search on Youtube for "Duel at the mall Malcolm in the middle Car chase"

  7. Hope they were wearing seat belts. Remember: "Click it or Ticket".


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