Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Hang on Florida!

Does this country need any more "refugees". Of course not. As most who visit here know, every aspect of our society is in a retrograde motion headed straight for ruination (this does not imply there is no hope). This insanity has to stop. Floridians could more than likely be dealing with an influx of Haiti's finest in the very near future. Washington has demonstrated that they are making zero effort to slow the invaders pouring across our southern borders, and in most cases, .gov is actually facilitating the entrance of and total care + of these illegal invaders at the cost of American taxpayers. Nobody with plans for an America with a brighter future could believe what is currently taking place in regards to to this planned operation that imports "people" will have a happy ending. It has to stop.

More here

H/T to Western Rifle Shooter's Association


  1. Very important…

  2. As front and center this barbarity is, also note that every news story running on the groupthink approved channels features the fact that these animals are using guns from the US. The cabal doesn't care about the possible cannabalism or the greater human tragedy that is the history of Haiti, they are using this opportunity to set us up for more criminal elements entering the country and, I think even more importantly, for gun control. After all, if Americans had no guns, there would be no guns to ship from here to Haiti.
    The takeaway for me, and I am sure every American Patriot, is to be sure you have the means to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you are in a city, get out. If you are in a blue state, get out, unless you voted for bitem in which case stay for the bar-b-que.
    Stay safe everyone and keep your musket handy.

  3. "People are people." so... they're just like us.
    (I'll wait for the smaht bois to settle down)
    "Our rulers are trans-nationals, taking what they deem valuable, for shipment away" so... it's our country.
    (I'll wait for the smaht bois to get a clue)

  4. Hopefully, they only like dark meat.

  5. We'll just shoot the fuckers while they're still out in the water. Sharks gotta eat too.

    1. Need to form many like minded groups with "phone trees" and communications between the groups.
      Watch the water. Shoot on sight. Contact your phone tree. Defend your land against invaders.
      DO NOT contact The Authoritahs.

    2. (Oops. Forgot to add "President Elect B Woodman)

  6. When they come here (I am in FL right now) and they will, we should immediately ship them to DC and suburbs. We should tell them they will be arrested in put in prison if they fuck around here, but hey, no problem in DC. You all are exempt from laws and will be most welcome there.

    1. arrested? you're being too kind.

    2. Nah. Don't ship them to DC. Too much time, work, and money that We, The People, can't afford.
      Just do as Sedition said, feed the sharks.
      Make them.......disappear........
      President Elect B Woodman

  7. Getting on time ...

  8. look at the one refugee we're not allowed to have...cubans.

    because cubans know commie bullshit when they see it.

    1. And they work hard, are law abiding and love (deeply appreciate) freedom.

      No wonder Dems dont want them.

  9. Haitians and Cubans and Chinese etc etc have been coming here through the Carribean for decades. I've been to Haiti many times (US Coast Guard) Bringing back hundreds of Haitians back to Port a Prince time and time again. It was a hell hole in the in Sphincter of the Western World. Offloading the Haitians to the main wharf we would see bloated body's floating along with the tide. The BEACH was so covered with garbage you couldn't see the shoreline. The local authorities were so corrupt they even tried to bribe us sailors to sell them cocaine that we had seized offshore. I can understand why they leave that place.....however the powers to be Haitians and the Western world (USA) pretty much could care less! There actually Resorts in Haiti and the Dominican Republic which is somewhat better than Haiti, but the DomReps have been leaving for Puerto Rico for decades as well!

  10. The is the answer if someone asks why anyone needs a large capacity semi-automatic weapon.

  11. I had the "pleasure" of spending over 7 years in multiple shithole third-world countries back in the day. As far as I'm concerned, Haiti was the worst. The best thing for that piece of real estate is to form a line of westward-facing D9 Cats side-by-side the entire length of the DR/Haitian border. Drop the blades and don't stop until you hit water.

  12. Load' em all up on C130s and fly'em right to George Soros doorstep. When you kill a snake, it's always best to aim for the head.

  13. So, are the billionaires buying all of the property now abandoned by the folks that became long pig?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

    I had to laugh at Gaetz in the clip when he asked the military folks if "grey hulled vessels" are being tasked to intercept and turn back Haitians in the FL straits. Then, I look at the arrayed four star brass sitting there, like bumps on a log per usual, while some female civilian speaks to what their plans are, actually not saying anything except spewing DC gobbledygook. Then Gaetz had to remind them that they can act on their own authority to interdict any Haitians coming here by boat.

    The level of incompetence at the top of our military is astounding and they think they can take on Russia or China in a slug fest and win? bwahahahahahahaha

    As we're coming up on the 80th anniversary of the kick off of the war to liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny, I think all of the young men who sacrificed their lives to lead us here? They must be looking down at us in disgust.


    1. ...and just to add insult to injury, West Point has changed the school's and presumably the Army officer corps motto from "Duty, Honor, Country", that has been in place for over a century, to "Army Values".

      Bribem, Barry & Co. are hell bent on tearing everything down while they still have time.


    2. Nemo writes "...anniversary of the kick off of the war to liberate Europe from..." National Socialists.
      That seems to be the popular propaganda.
      Examining the evidence, I'm pretty sure the purpose of Americans invading Europeans during the early-1940s was:
      1 -- eliminate a lot of Northern European Heritage folk, while simultaneously...
      2 -- protect and promote BOLSHEVIKS and their 'communist utopia' theory.
      For the history of that era, plus details about the ownership of every government employee including presidents, I recommend SUPERMOB by Russo.

  14. Defend yourself and if they come to prosecute you for DOING THEIR FUCKING JOB, defend yourself from the persecutors, too. Tin stars want to turn your home and nation into a military target, I'd argue that decision does the same for THEIR homes.

  15. Just more fear porn pushed by the usual suspects. Forget Haiti, forget israel/gaza, forget ukraine and forget taiwan. Focus on our country. Not at the southern border, but all the disclosures about our allegedly elected "leaders" and the corrupt bureaucrats who suck at the taxpayers tit. All the 3-letter agencies are criminal non-constitutional businesses, that have absolutely ZERO authority to make rules, let alone laws, or to enforce them. Since the constitution doesn't allow them they are a violation of our Bill of Rights. Easier said than don, I know. What is happening daily is the usual information overload from around the world. SHUT IT OFF! Get rid of the 1,000,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that makes you insane, and get the 100 piece puzzle. Don't focus outside your reach. You, me, all of us put together can't change the nation the way we are distracted, but we can change the nearby world around us. Our neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, schools and local elected officials and government. If we start policing our small plot of ground there will soon be a spreading movement that will link-up across counties, states, regions and the nation. We didn't get here overnight, and we won't get out any faster.

    Or, we can start a civil war and burn it all to the ground, just saying...

  16. My conspiratorial hunch is, this is the way they will bring Florida into Leftist line. The second border crossing front, the Caribbean.

  17. Want to halt the incoming tide of Haitians? Convince the current administration they’ll vote Republican if they get here.

  18. Are the throngs of liberty-loving men, practiced in the skills of self-defense, waiting for an order from the Secret Society? Are they (we?) waiting for someone to pull the lanyard on the cannon pointed at the ideological Fort Sumter?

  19. Sink the fucking boats.....

  20. Think about it this way ... if the "real" number of all illegals the Biden admin has let in is double what we're constantly hearing (12-13 mil) - so about 25 million, that equates to roughly 30 Congressional House seats. Since the SCOTUS ruled that we can't ask for citizenship during the Census, then those people are going to be adding Dem representation to the US House. that's why it's so important for us to #1 shut off the spigot, and #2 deport them ALL. let's hope Trump carries through on that promise ... if he wins. Of course add to all that the crime/assault/violence/chaos they want to bring in - it's a great way to de-stabilize our country and force the sheep to bleat "save us." Biden and his handlers, and all their NWO/NGO sicophants will open any spigot they can leading up to November.

    just my 2 cents.
    - Chi

  21. It's my understanding that about ten or fifteen years back, Haiti had the world's largest (by percentage of their population) reservoir of HIV/AIDS. I really doubt it has changed.


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