Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Bracken Sends


via WRSA


  1. The Royal Navy doesn't need to commit suicide. The way things are going, give it 10 more years, and it will have evaporated into thin air .

  2. Boy howdy Irish, this ones for you!


  3. It's been a good run, but the West is finshed and the virtue signaling, need to feel good assholes are the cause.

  4. This is completely off topic, but I must say that Elvis Costello's wife (Diana Krall) makes better music and is easier to look at.

    1. Mr Happy - I've seen both of them in concert, and both put on an excellent show, but you are correct - Diana is one fine looking woman !

  5. bracken seems to put a lot of stock in a mythical stash of AK's.

    he also seems to overestimate the combat capabilities of people who randomly launch rockets at passing ships, hoping for allah to guide them to the target.

    these people had a single F-5, no ammunition or missiles for it, a single pilot who was not jet qualified, and oh look it's already been vaporized.

    1. "bracken seems to put a lot of stock in a mythical stash of AK's."

      Tell that to the French in Paris where AK's seem to magically pop out of the ground in those no go zones when the French in general aren't allowed to own semi-automatic rifles or a handgun. Yeh, doesn't happen every day, however AK's are like mice. There's never just one.


    2. I seem to remember a California shipping site under Chinese control while a cargo ship was being unloaded. Somebodies reported that the cargo was very suspicious. Law enforcement arrived in time to stop the last truck...which was carrying military arms and ammo. Maybe the trucks leaving earlier had fluffy bunnies?

    3. Bracken and yon have become major grifters. when your livelihood depends on social media then yes

  6. ""bracken seems to put a lot of stock in a mythical stash of AK's.""

    Wow. The ignorance is almost painful, Every Mosque is an Arsenal.


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