Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....









Have a great safe weekend!!


  1. Great set and #24 FTW! Thanks, Irish and happy weekend right back at ya!

  2. Happy Birthday, USMC. Due to a pair of coincidences, I got to see both Cherry Point and Iwakuni, Japan again earlier this year. A lot has changed in fifty years. I didn't recognize anything but the names.

  3. Yet another STUNNING edition FFF. Starting off with that hot barmaid opening beers with her cooch, always a fan favorite Barbara at #9(Damn she had a bangin' bod), that spectacular red head at #10, then several very nice gifs leading us to "whoever invented yoga pants I'm grateful" at #16, then a slow sojourn through more gifs, milfs, delicious looking food, Detroit Iron, that warning at #94, more milfs and general fine feminine pulchritude leading up to that very funny ending gif. Every week you impress the hell out of me with a never repeating selection of an entertaining collage to end the week.

    Thanks and have a great weekend,


  4. #150: natural, lovely, eyes to get lost in - when I think of a goddess, she is it!

  5. Definitely one of your best efforts- always look forward to it every Friday. As a warbird mechanic and restorer, I enjoyed the extra warbird pics. I happen to know that particular P-38 very well- surprised to see it in the mix!

  6. Lovely veterans day touch to some magnificent mammaries!

  7. MILF’s win by a mile!

  8. #18 is known as the "18 Years of Child Support" position.

  9. Yessir, this is one for the ages!
    Out-freakin-standing collection!
    Ya got me with that 5 carb manifold set up, never heard of it and I will be doing some research to fill in that gap.
    NTW, the Gif of the blonde cleaning the glass is an all time favorite of mine.
    Whoooo what a smokin' hot babe, in both iterations!
    Thanks again for putting in the effort my man, sometimes words fail when trying to express my appreciation.

  10. My plea for more FF with guns and bows has been very well answered, thanks! Also: always happy to see warbirds in the mix.

  11. 5 - Seen it? Hell, I've never even heard of such a thing.
    6 - Why should I? They have no regard for any other culture, but their own.
    7 - typical result for that contraption.
    8 - I hadn't planned on leaving. Why?
    15 - She looks like fun. I like the ones you don't have to talk into stuff.
    19 - Ain't they all.
    21 - My POTN
    23 - Ice Cream Sammiches, for DAYS!
    24 - Hot Granny
    31 - The Elastic is Gone?
    38 - Not watching the pump, but is watching the hot body leaning on the Square Body.
    92 - Sarah always made sure her XM177 was ready for anything.
    96 - WILMA!!!!!! Fred never had it so good.
    101 - Never thought you'd see a snake with Talons.
    114 - FIFI
    118 - If there was a P-47 it would be very very frightening.
    123 - Dillon Areo. The Battle Taurus would look awesome with a pair of them, mounted in the fenders.
    134 - Not a snowflake.
    137 - Pappy's ride.
    143 - The Queen of the CAF.
    154 - Curtis Warhawk
    155 - POTN 1st Alternate
    183 - If any road was made for a Duc'.
    198 - Thanks Boss!

    Whitehall, NY

  12. #20. Robbed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday twice on Thursday and twice on Friday. Probably will be robbed again multiple times on Saturday, and Sunday.

  13. The girl with the 101st body paint made my day. 2/327 “No Fucking Slack!”

  14. Outstanding presentation!
    Sadiq Kahn's mouth looks like a cock holster in that pic-probably is.

  15. P38 is my favorite WW2 plane.
    I want the mini gun.
    Then I want to crack open the bottle of Eagle Rare with the Blonde shooting in the thing bikini.
    All reasonable requests.

  16. Number 88 makes me happy!

  17. Squint Cigarillo PonchoNovember 11, 2023 at 5:19 AM

    .357 Black Talons! One shot, one stop.
    P-38, P-40, P-51, B-17, back when we were serious.

  18. Just imagine what 2's insides feel like, nice bod on 4 - not great but nice, 34, nice bouncy on 11, very nice looking older lady on 24 (even if she does look a bit like the Hildabeast), 27, 71, nice undercarriage on 50, 70, nice freckles on 53, nice upholstery on 68 -9, didn't know Fred and Wilma had a high rise cave in beautiful downtown Bedrock, great cheering section on 129, nice tush on 148.

  19. Splendid collection, simply splendid! Beautiful older women in 24,27,67 and 71, which I love to see. Small and perky 12 and 55, which is another fulfilled fetish photo desire. 5 gives us Barbara Eden and Donna Summers, YUM! 127 shows a very low flying B17, where was this at? Thanks for putting this together for us brother!

    1. I believe that Lady with Barbara Eden is Leslie Uggems.

    2. Diahann Carroll. They both had shows on the Peacock at the time.

  20. Yep pretty sure you were feeling a hell of a lot better this week

  21. Another great effort!
    Great collection of warbirds for Veterans' Day! Thank you!!
    Is 80 model Ginger Jolie? I like the Wima cosplayer at 96
    I like the mechanics and body paint models as well!
    Thanks for all you do!

  22. You've outdone yourself Irish. Thank you. The picture of that 67 Firebird is my new wallpaper.

  23. Thanks for a great lay out. I was on Active Duty for 27 years and this is a great gift on Veterans Day. Thank you for all the Prop airplanes you out did your self.

  24. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/331-cadillac-1950.1194999/

  25. There’s a whole lotta ‘Merica in there..! Fuck yeah! I’m quoting the old man here…. “Get your bag, it’s time to roll!”

    Viejo Cabrone

  26. Thanks for the Marine Corps related pictures! They’re really amazing! Great work!!

  27. 1981 USN Shit street down town Honolulu a club called Hubba Hubbas. I shit you not there was a women there who would open your bud long necks by putting it in her p***y and twisting it off. She could also squat on a stack of quarters and drop them into your shot glass one at a time. Pure talent i tell you.

    1. Holy crap you brought back some memories.... never saw her there, but plenty of others and hookers on Hotel Street. There was a Chinese grocery store, that if you knew the owner, would sell opiated wine.

  28. #13. Sean Connery with Brigitte Bardot


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