Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

 For those who celebrate Halloween, Irish and I would like to wish all a safe and happy one. Some folks take this day way to seriously IMHO, but to each their own. Halloween was always a fun time for me. Below is an outline as to how Halloween has progressed for me personally through the years and I enjoy/enjoyed all of the phases. Keep in mind I was born in a rural setting in the mid-60's.

Young child= Selecting a costume, dressing as a favorite spook, getting candy

Pre-adolescent= Harvest carnivals, helping carve a pumpkin, making a costume, feeling awkward about tagging along with younger kids and asking for candy

Adolescent= Rolling yards (papering yards for non-Southerners), dry-sitting, trying to scare folks with a "dumb bull" without getting shot. Sometimes girls are involved and that made the evening more interesting

Young adult=More yard rolling, costume parties, drinking at said party and waking up wondering what happened, etc. 

Adulthood=Kids of my own dressing them as something and later watching the whole progression of what was previously described. Hoping they make it home safe, always.

Middle Age Adulthood=This is the stage when you still get invited to a costume party and actually go, sometimes.  Also, at this stage I began to notice that the right Halloween party could be better than a strip joint if one was interested, but it mattered not as I was married, too fat, and too tired to stay out past ten o'clock, and was beginning to realize that a big part of the gals there that were dressed like sluts probably had issues I really did not need. 

Later Middle Aged=Nobody has rolled my yard since my kids married and left. We live so far in the woods, we have had less than 20 trick or treaters in 30+ years of living here. I review the grandkids outfits and wait on the wife to return from trick or treating with them. Then, I inspect the candy. I may load some magazines while they are out for the evening. Happy Halloween!

These are celebrities' from long ago dressed in Halloween garb.

Here are a few photos from Halloween parties of the 70's I found on the interwebz that brought a few memories to mind.


  1. Rolling the yard sounds so elegant. Lol. We called it TPing up in WI. Happy Halloween. Thanks for the post!

  2. Happy Happy Halloween!

  3. there sure is a lot going on in that pic of genie (sp)

  4. Those pics took me back. Good times. I distinctly remember the costumes on the bottom pic being sold in stores as a kid.

  5. I remember bobbing for apples at a halloween party mid 80's. I also remember one year in the mid 70's dad taking me trick or treating and at every couple houses they would offer him a drink. That was one of the 2 times i ever saw him drunk.


  6. Sounds like a list that was made after indoor plumbing eliminated outhouses. Back then, young lads would run around the neighborhood tipping over outhouses. If the adults got tired of it, they would move the outhouse forward several feet, after dark of course. When the lads snuck up behind the outhouse they would fall in, then have to go home and wash off - preferably using water sitting somewhere outdoors so the parents wouldn't catch them redhanded.

  7. My favorite was a small paper bag with some fresh dog shit in it. put it on the front porch of the local old lady Karen and set it on fire and ring her bell. Ahhhh! Those were good times.

  8. Yep those Halloween parties in ou twenties married or not were fun

  9. pt in nh, yup the early 70's, Halloween and acid, oh my.

  10. Ain't it funny how some of those older group photos people dressed up in funny costumes alike, and others the women all dressed as a slutty-something? Wonder what caused the broads in certain groups to desire to look like a ho?


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