Thursday, July 6, 2023

♫♪♫ Propaganda To The Left Of Me, Propaganda To The Right, Here I am Stuck In The Middle with You ♫♪♫


 Bots or paid operatives.. how many are there really?








  1. That's just like the Sinclair Media 'local news' opinon peices that you can stitch into a single monologue. (yes, i dislike him, too, but watch John Oliver for ONE OF the videos he created from different markets' evening news)

    This isn't big brother, this is that disgusting uncle that isn't invited to family gatherings, even funerals, because you just know he's going to be jerking off while he sits at the dinner table.

  2. If they had switched the pictures, I might have believed it. There is no way a hot chick like her is a democrat! Gotta be a 'bot.

  3. The blonde girl, Erica Marsh, is a bot. PJ Media ran the story that investigative journalist Greg Boulden started trying to find out who it was and suddenly got threatened with lawsuits.

    The company is in Belgium and they specialize in "social selling." It's propaganda.

    I've got to be the case for the other one, too.

    The rest of us have to be more skeptical than ever. Remember that line from the Marvin Gaye and then Creedence Clearwater Revival:
    "People say believe half of what you see,
    son and none of what you hear."

    1. It is 1000% government propaganda.
      They are using our money to pay foreign companies to brainwash us.
      I say its high time to start cleaning house HL Menken style!

    2. ...and they're so bad(.gov @colluding with Big Tech and the MSM to censor everything out there) a federal judge had to enjoin ALL of the 3 letter agencies from colluding with big tech to censor speech on social platforms. Not that they'll obey a judges order to begin with.

      Then there's the new Zuckerfook platform "Threads", billed as the Twatter Killer, released for prime time yesterday, which, it has been reported, IMMEDIATELY started censoring speech it didn't like or agree with. Conclusion? No further collusion necessary as Big Tech has gotten the message and parameters for killing whatever speech doesn't agree with "the narrative".

      Lovely country America.


  4. take the profile pic and do a reverse image search. it's an easy way to find the fakes they re-use those pics over and over on multiple accounts. one of them is probably the real person and they have no idea their image is being used that way.

  5. Social media sucks! It's for 35 year old losers jacking off in mama's basement. My social media is one hand on the handle of a fishing pole, the other wrapped around a can of cold beer, snoozing on the shore of a northern lake.

  6. If you're too busy rooting for Ali or Frazer then you never take a real look at how crooked Don King is, yeah?


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