Saturday, March 4, 2023

A Plethora of Pithiness....

 The inbox overfloweth......







  1. 66 pretty much sums up the approach of Washington voters.
    Let's buy lottery tickets!

  2. 39 - yep
    55 - yep
    56 - and walking away when it is time to do so.

    1. That was supposed to be 38, not 39

  3. triggers??? i quit calling them triggers and now call them excuses. life is so much easier, and honest, now.

  4. ...and the last one says it all.

  5. (18) I stand with ukraine because I understand history. the last time we let a strongman take a place that wasn't his, because "they talk like us" we ended up in a world war. you stop it and you stop it NOW. cash is cheap. blood is expensive. the ukranian people are giving blood for free. they just need weapons to do the job.

    fix it now, cheap, with no american blood, or fix it later, expensive, with a lot of american blood.

    way too many nevillle chamberlains and charles lindberghs who didn't understand this simple thing back then, and way too many now.

    1. Obviously you don’t understand history or you wouldn’t have made a comment so out of touch w. reality.

    2. I understand that Neville Chamberlain needs his talking points back. didn't work out well for him either.

    3. Are you referring to the 'war to protect the foreign-aid skim scam'?

    4. You've really bought in to the propaganda. You do realize you are supporting the WEF takeover attempt and the Neocon kickback machine? Russia showed no interest in taking back Ukraine for decades, until our "leaders: threatened them and instigated a CIA/State Department coup of a democratically elected leader. Those are facts, not opinions. Quit trying to relive 1940; these aren't those times.

  6. Oh. Wow. What a collection of quality memes. Some will be stolen.

  7. That second one, the electric car charging meme, every electric car should come with a hundred pound bag of coal in the trunk, just to remind the buyer where all of that environmental wokeness comes from.


  8. These are all great. I understand why they're necessary, just from the standpoint of hanging on to ones sense of humor, however twisted it may be. Political satire cartoons go almost all the way back to the advent of the printed page for a reason and probably all the way back to the first spoken words in an organized society. If we aren't allowed to at least blow off steam via memes, some of us would probably be out there committing mayhem, which is probably why memes haven't been censored, yet.

    You can't stop the signal, Mal.


  9. absolutely the best batch! (so far)

  10. #5
    "That's RAYSIS" in 3...2...1...


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