Tuesday, February 22, 2022

One Of The Best Things I've Read In A While....


On his short list of people, the organization is looking to sue on his behalf, Rittenhouse said they’re “looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes, Whoopi Goldberg is on the list.”

That specific callout of Goldberg was because “[s]he called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers.” That also included “Cenk [Uygur] from The Young Turks, they called me a murder before a verdict and continues to call me a murderer.”

And for those who called him a “white supremacist,” Rittenhouse warned: “They’re all going to be held accountable and we’re going to handle them in a courtroom.”



  1. Sadly, I think the only way to fight back against these people is to hit them where it hurts. Whoopi/be/bop/boop probably has plenty of money because of that stupid show, but eventually the network will grow weary of the lawsuits if they are included in the suit. So go get her Kyle.

  2. He should also go after Joe Bite me and sue him. He was a private citizen (candidate) when he called him a white supremacist and murderer.

  3. So young, such maturity, and the kind of person America needs.
    Go tear them up.

  4. Between Rittenhouse and Sandman, I hope they end up owning ABCCBSCNNNBCNYTWAPO et al. Maybe then they can get back real "journalism". I wonder if Rachel Madcow's recent "hiatus" from CNN has anything to do with this. Maybe she's moving her fortune to offshore accounts so she can flee when the lawsuits land. I can see a non-extradition country in her future. Wouldn't THAT be a hoot.


  5. Sue their asses down to Parade Rest; two can play The Lawfare Game.

  6. Remember the ACLU? They used to fight for people who had been wronged, but something happened to them and they have been worthless for a long time now. TMAP sounds good to me.

    1. You can't name a single organization, not one, that hasn't become a corrupt cardboard cutout of itself once liberals start infiltrating & influencing.
      Not a single one.


  7. "Why isn't there a group like this that exists already"? There used to be. It's called the ACLU. They won a few cases with big payouts over the course of several decades, established an endowment dedicated to fund raising among the elite and Hollyweird, and went far left moonbat. Southern Poverty Law Center is another one. SPLC used the same playbook as ACLU. Both are scum organizations that have nothing to do with defending the rights of citizens, unless those rights fit the far left moonbat agenda.


  8. Look at who he's siding against and calling out. He'd better have some good security on staff. These MF's don't play.

    1. Well, Clay, he already proved that he can shoot. Under pressure, even!

  9. I only hope that he joins the Billionaires Club by the end of the year. If you can't defend yourself against murderous attackers, we are no longer living the United States of America

  10. So I'm wondering just how long the IRS will hold up their section 501 non-profit status.

    1. they'll be audited weekly. maybe more. the IRS has always been the hitman for the government. ask Al Capone.

  11. I hope he wins. Lying liberal gum flapping NEEDS to have a price tag attached to it.

  12. Rittenhouse and Sandman are both young enough to keep up this fight for decades!
    Don't settle for anything less than a Billion! Make these Communists pay!

  13. Rittenhouse and Sandman are both young enough to keep up this fight for decades!
    Don't settle for anything less than a Billion! Make these Communists pay!

  14. Gary Brooker, frontman of rock band Procol Harum, dies at 76


  15. OohHooHoo! Grifters grifting. A few million bits of fake money "moved" (but not) from "here" to "here".

    And the boomers BOOM! "We" got 'EM! Without even shifting cheeks to fart.

    Don't wake us when something not fake starts.

  16. I fear it's too late for the lad. By time it's gets to court they'll just laugh and dismiss bfytw. They're already pretty open about their willingness to disregard any semblance of law that doesn't benefit them.

    1. Project Veritas seems to do pretty well in court these days...

  17. Go get em Kyle. Sue their ashes off. Well, maybe not Whoopie. That would be a lot of ash.


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