Friday, December 31, 2021

TFIF!!! 34,456,000,000 miles traveled around the sun...


 Today I made it 59 years.  As many have said, it seems to go faster as you get older.

Where did it all go?

  I've seen lots of technology changes, lived with the best music of 

my youth, and won and lost many a hand at the card table of "life". 

 Today, the last day of 2021 is cold and overcast gray skies here at the bunker.

Kind of fitting for the way the past few years have been.

I got my things to do during the day, yes there will be a FFFF coming up,

 and then a small celebration of the New Year. ( If I'm not in bed before midnight :))


 The past is gone other than memories , and the future is unknown.

Some plans come to fruition and others need tweaking as the clock ticks forward.

 This always plays in my head.....

.."And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death"
Damn, if those lyrics aren't true. 
On a more up beat note, It's time for a nice breakfast, another coffee, and then
 out to get some shit done. 
I'll leave this here:

Enjoy the day... be back later......






  1. Happy Birthday young man!
    It does seem to pick up speed, don't it?
    What the hell, time for a beer?


  2. Happy Birthday!! Excellent graphic representation for the last three years.

  3. Pink Floyd - Time


  4. That's why the call it the HUMAN RACE. Happy Birthday my friend.

    I do not reach that distance till next month but hope I have enough fuel to see the shit show started so we can finish it for our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.

    1. Agreed. God grant we have the chance to make effect before our children are forced to step up...

  5. Happy Birthday

    You know you're getting older when you can't crank that treadmill speed up to eight and you're sure it's going to toss you into the free weights when you crank it up to five.

  6. I think that meme pretty much sums it up, Irish!
    Just remember, tomorrow it's "Twenty twenty, too"!!!

  7. Happy Birthday! Only 59? Why you're just a pup ;-)).

    I'll hoist an amber liquid in your honor while perusing FFF, tonight or later this PM, whenever it gets posted.

    I'll be embarking on my 75th trip around the sun in a few short weeks. So, I guess I can raze you a little about your "youth".



    1. Nemo, advance happy birthday

    2. I was right the first time, Nemo, you are older then Palo-dirt... Happy pre-birthday birthday wish, blow out the candles and make sure your teeth stay in this time...

    3. Grog and Cederq - Thanks

      Cederq - I'm one year younger than water, so not as old as paleo dirt, quite ;-))


  8. Ah, the good old days. 2019 was such a good year. $1.79 gas, low inflation, economy booming. Then she had to go get all tatted up with balloon tits and butt implants. Yech, and look where we are now 11+ months in to a residency that's likely to go further down hill. No tellin' where this bitch is going to end up. Probably on skid row with her legs in the air.



  9. OK, I passed 65 just three days earlier. We're all on the edge . . .of a lot of things. I wish You and everyone else well, and watch your 6.

  10. Happy Birthday Irish!!! For you, an old Irish verse:

    May those who love us, love us;
    And for those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts;
    And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles,
    So we will know them by their limping.

    It's a bit random, but... You have turned 59 exactly 59 days after I turned 59. I'm off to buy a lottery ticket...

  11. If you were born on a ship hurtling through space, how would you measure time?

  12. Happy Birthday Irish!
    Thanks for doing what you do around here (except for what you just did…where’s that eye bleach…?)
    Anway, hope you have as many more as you can stand.

  13. Happy Birthday! May your party be flooded with Red haired, green eyed beauties with the best pints to offer.


  14. Happy Birthday. 59,eh! be very happy to switch with you any time you like.

  15. Happy Birthday my fellow Irishman, may our coast be clear, may the winds be fair and blow against our back and you are blessed.

  16. About to turn 70 myself. One of these years I'll have to sell my motorcycle.

  17. Happy birthday, young man.

    You know what they say about the years going by faster as we get older.

    It's like they way the toilet paper comes off the roll faster as it gets closer to the end.


  18. Happy Birthday Irish, I'll open a can of Guinness and toast you before midnight.
    I'm 6 months into 65 and watching the clock move around like it did in the original Time Machine movie.

  19. Happy Birthday Irish!
    Think of it this way, your parents must have really loved one anpother to create you in late March, in the North.
    Most couples aren't speaking much by then!

  20. Not everyone makes 59. Only the good uns! Congrats.

  21. Happy Birthday Irish. Today was 52 for me.

  22. Happy B-day Irish!!! I turn 59 this coming Aug, Weeeeee

  23. Life is like a roll of shitpaper.
    The closer you get to the end the faster it goes.


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