Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Mass Psychosis and Totalitarianism....



Nitzakhon sends the following video which is worth watching:

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL  



  1. does that refer to The Orange One?

  2. Thanks for the HT!

    I watched this video and said THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THEY'RE DOING!!!!! Appreciate your getting the word out.

    Alas, y2mate is no longer functioning. I want to download this but don't know a good substitute. IMHO this is such an eye-opening video that TPTB will pull it soon.

  3. Thanks. Can you please post a link to the video?

  4. That was an excellent video. I sent it to my liberal son-in-law.

  5. Excellent video. Sent it to my liberal son-in-law.

  6. https://www.amazon.com/Extraordinary-Popular-Delusions-Madness-Crowds/dp/1463740514

  7. I'm folding this video into my next post which I'm finishing up.

  8. Brilliant summary. Where did the inflection point occur with the present hysteria? The mask and lockdown requirements were dividing events that filtered the willingly submissive from the skeptically observant, but we are far down the rabbit hole from that point.

  9. And the second factor contributing to death from the chyneese lung perforator is mental anguish and anxiety, following closely behind obesity. So a fat Karen is doomed, I guess?

  10. These After Skool videos are excellent resources for those who don't understand what's happening to societies and why. I highly recommend all to view and share. Thank you Irish. Ohio Guy

  11. Interesting video. While he certainly seems to nail the concept seen in social media and dictator Joe/Fauci/etc, he also seems to think that Trump is of the same guilt level. That is apparent in his artwork at the 8:15 mark showing a leader with the words "make our country great" and more importantly, "build that wall". Unless I am missing a piece of history where one of the great fascist leaders asked to build a wall. Can anyone educate me on this?

  12. Eye opening an scary. The resolution is difficult to achieve if the delusional person is not recognizing what is real and what is not. Even if they would watch this I seriously doubt they would accept this. Sigh...


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