Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday Femme Fatale... Shaken, Not Stirred...

Regarding tonight's post.

All the images that I search and saved this week were randomly listed in my FFF folder and then renumbered based on that order. I usually try to post images that go together or have the same theme. Tonight I wanted to see how a random post would look.

 Below the fold they are posted in that random order.....

Like dice, they are shaken then rolled out...

WYSIWYG. YMMV.  Enjoy.....

I finished the post and had to come back and add this note:

Here is how the directory looks for my FFF posts. I had no idea what image would be where in the following order.

  I set up the post and loaded the images from the directory. I can't believe the system picked this first image as it's rather fitting !  ...

 I did have to add this one to the end.  

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks drjim! Just enjoying a nice Friday night on the webs :)

  2. Always appreciate the FFF post Irish. Makes Saturday at the office a little more tolerable.

  3. Fuck yeah! 'Murica!

    Knocked it right the fuck outta the park, brutha!


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