Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Most Over Used Word In America

H/T to James in Columbus


  1. A washed up never any good athlete, an ingrate, and a race pimp. All in one disgusting person. I ordered a Betsy Ross flag to fly tomorrow; should arrive today.

    1. If America is such a shitty country, then why in the hell don't he leave? I think we all know the answer. He was a third rate player whose afro and kneeling spoof was big enough to make him a poster child of the left in the NFL, the media, and with President Osama. After the fallout the National Felon League endured after his antics, I bet most of the NFL CEO's wish he was somewhere else. I despise a hypocrite. I wish I'd have thought to order that flag.

  2. Plus he is islam, from the dark side.
    So, that would go with his "religion".
    Plus he is a libturd.

    1. That is right Anon. All of the above and for the love of goats.

  3. Racist is so last year. Everyone this year is a "white supremacist".


  4. Bets ought to stick that needle up his ass and go over to the mantle and give him a taste of .50 Pennsylvania Long Rifle

  5. It pissed me off to see anyone standing on our great flag even in a cartoon drawing

  6. Who cares what that commie bluegum believes? He's NOBODY, a has-been, literally 1 season of football away from being a never-was. He's a fucking punchline to a particularly bad joke,

  7. Getting very VERY tired of the left's hypocrisy. Hoping dearly that everyone keeps talking to those never-Trumpers to sway a few more votes on the next election. We need to offset the ever increasing number of illegal alien voters in swing states. They are the new "Deep State".


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