Saturday, February 16, 2019

Crazy Footage From The i70 Multi Car Pile Up....

News Story HERE<<<<

Look at how fast those cars are coming in....

Pro Tip from Irish,  When it's white out conditions and the road is slick.. slow down.


  1. Makes me want to move down along the gulf.

  2. Dante was smart, stay in the vehicle. The only reason to get out would have been if the vehicles had caught fire.

  3. Yes, best to stay inside your vehicle in cases like that as long as it's "together" and already settled into post-crash condition and position. I've witnessed pile ups, but never like this one; one after the other after the other.

  4. WTF is wrong with some people? I’ve driven in conditions like that. Took me a few ours to make a normally 45 minute drive because I did it at 25 mph. Go slow and don’t die.

  5. That reminded me of a "Three Stooges" episode.

  6. That was the 45 car pileup resulting one death in Kansas City if I'm not mistaken. Worked up their for a couple of years. Best I could figure it was if Hawaii got hit with any type of storms Kansas City got it too!

  7. I know this road, east of KC. people have slowed down compared to how they normally drive it. they are insane and all of them think they are cale yarborough approaching the finish line at daytona. that stretch of I70 is arrow straight and people just floor it to get there first.


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