Saturday, March 3, 2018

Before and After The Storm That Came Through New England Yesterday....

  Here's a shot of the road leading from Plum Island.

The before image is one I grabbed from google street view. The after one was from a Facebook picture that got texted to me.

These views are taken from the intersection of this map near the Plum Island Grille looking up the road that crossed the marsh area heading upper left.



With the huge storm surge and the full moon there has been major flooding on the coast line.


  1. We get some coastal flooding during the year, but mostly in the Spring. It's amazing to see how quick the water rises, and how far it reaches.

    The unwary may find their journey leads to a new car.

  2. If you live at sea level or lower, (i.e. NOLA) expect to be treading water from time to time. D'OH!
    I have bay front property, but the house is 20 feet above the mean high tide mark. I'm not going to worry too much until the Cascadia Subduction fault slips. That's OK. Food for a year, check! Generator, check! Boat, Check! Means to protect all that, two checks!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes luckily. I’m about 20 miles north west of there. There was wind and rain but no damage. I was on the outer edge of the higher wind area. Southeast of here and especially along the coast got hit hard. There were high winds coming out of the northeast plus the full moon that affected 3 high tide cycles. Lots of low level flooding in the coastal areas of Nh and Mass.


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