Saturday, June 24, 2017

What An Amazingly Cunning Stunt....

The Story HERE<<<

Watch for her bad language.....


  1. I like how ONE person thinks that she can dictate to everyone else because she feels that a certain flag means something.

    And everyone else feels bad because she is "Triggered". and now will change their ways.

    1. "Why should the least productive, most criminal, most dependent of the population rewrite history that in any event they don’t know? The erasure of the South and the Confederacy by people most of whom couldn’t spell it, of Washington and Jefferson and Lee by grifters, race hustlers, wanton illiterates and the Brownshirts of Black Lives Matter…enough."

      From https://fredoneverything.org/

    2. A Big "10-4!!!" Jeffery,

  2. I think you have two letters the ' s'& 'c'.

  3. I think that I rudely interrupted myself with the publish button before I went on to say the 'c&s' should have been used on the opposite words and the word stunning should then have been left off.

  4. I'd have just stood there and laughed at the bitch. And keep on laughing until she left. OR, called the police and had her lectured about causing a public disturbance.

  5. Seriously off topic, but Soylent has disappeard again. This time, his Blog is still alive
    but he has gone missing for the last few months. If he did not suffer a stroke from the
    sight of the perfect Snooch, got shot for screwing the mayor's daughter or was sentenced
    to life in the slammer by the thought police, I cannot think of anything else that would
    keep him from Blogging.

    Put Put out some feelers in the Blogging community, a lot of people are worried sick!

    1. Hi Leonard. I sent him an email. I'll report back if he responds

    2. Leonard. Soylent appears to be alive. Send me an email. My address is in the sidebar

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  7. I kept hoping that the dictatorial bint would have a stroke and flop over. (At least the camera would be oriented correctly.) And everyone would walk over and around her, and not call 911 for medical aid.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Deplorable B Woodman

  8. Did they interview her husband, her child's father? I'd also like to know if this woman is receiving and taxpayer benefits.

    1. " I'd also like to know if this woman is receiving taxpayer benefits."

      HA! Is that a trick question Mickey? Aren't all of those racist disruptors sucking on the .gov teet? If I were betting, I'd bet she draws everything she possibly can and that she has never worked a whole lot in her entire life! Of course I am being facetious. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. They should put the confederate flag on her welfare checks and see if she stops cashing them.


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