Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Liberal Logic 101

"Borrowed" from "Odie"


  1. Actually. From the picture, I am guessing that is a very old photograph of the housing projects that ran along Earhart Blvd/Expressway not far from S, Claiborne and S. Broad St. If I am correct, those buildings are no longer there, having largely been leveled as a result of Hurricane Katrina and replaced with mixed income housing units.

    This is what remains of that area these days - https://www.google.com/maps/@29.9522445,-90.0914112,3a,90y,180h,89.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szOoLlhiHNc_JflLDqwayhQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 - You can see the foundations of more than a few of of the old housing structures.

    and this is what it has largely been replaced with -
    - Neat side note, On google maps if you click 'street view' on the left hand side it will let you scroll through a time line so you can see the original structures, their destruction and replacement.

    I am not certain why one of the ruined project buildings is still standing though? Historical reasons perhaps? This city is very big on that.
    For an interesting overhead view see here -
    https://www.google.com/maps/place/Earhart+Blvd,+New+Orleans,+LA/@29.950811,-90.0932465,576m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8620a5975c4b480b:0x2416e567934b61ff!8m2!3d29.9569808!4d-90.1038264 -
    You can see the roofs of the old housing buildings (now nothing but foundations) lined up against the new mixed income housing around it.

  2. I did not Google search the original image but the "song" remains the same. That could be any government housing in any large city in America (i.e. Atlanta, Memphis, Little Rock, Louisville, Birmingham etc.). There are some brand new "apartments" in downtown Birmingham (complete with Corian countertops) that will probably look very similar to those in the meme in a few years. I would also bet many of the inhabitants will still be blaming Confederate monuments and other insignificant political issues for their plight. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I have been to NO many times. It is unsafe after dark to walk around. The French Quarter isn't "too" bad until after midnight-2AM. But the rest of the city is full of thugs. (I'm sure someone from that area will disagree.) But interestingly I have never seen nor heard of anyone being mugged or raped by a supporter of confederate monuments.

  4. This is the "Haitian Hurricane Model" of inner city urban development so beloved by the liberals.

  5. I lived in NO in the late 70's, and just like Chicago, there are parts of the city you just don't go to. Cops didn't put up with any shit in those days.

  6. The only time I've ever been to NO and on Bourbon Street was in the late nineties. I had a business client who took me on a tour there one night. About eight o'clock I noticed cops everywhere on foot and on horseback. This was in the middle of the week and there were not any big events taking place. I bet I saw over a hundred policemen in a three block area. I asked why all the police. He said there had been six homicides in four nights (I believe) in that area. This was around ten-thirty or so and I informed him that I had seen all of the "quarter" that I needed to see. LOL

  7. This is the communist takeover of our country. Once they re-write history, the next step are re-education camps.

  8. It is a communist takeover Andrew. What those leftist are doing in NO is no different than what ISIS is doing in middle-eastern countries when they destroy ancient works of art, statues, temples, etc. which conflict with their beliefs. As many have said, regardless of which side is what, these statues/monuments are still part of our nations history and only ignorant idiots view them as “symbols of a shameful past” (Mayor “yellow belly” Landrieu). If the left really wanted to whine and moan they should try and do something about this fact:
    “In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves (that is just 65 or more the avg. number was 1-5) The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4). ”
    Taken from : “Dixie’s Censored Subject: Black Slaveowners”, published in The Barnes Review, Robert M. Grooms furnished several examples of Black slave owners in the USA.

    The “War” had about as much to do with freeing slaves as the monuments do about “keeping the black man down”


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