Tuesday, January 1, 2013

....to be continued....

I have been at this for just over two years.

Many, Many Thank you's...

To all who have stopped by my little corner of some google server somewhere and
enjoyed hanging out for a bit.

To all that have commented on my posts and shared a laugh or an opinion.

To all that have Lurked, I know you are there from the stats. Over 2,500,000 hits from
all over the world.

To all that have emailed me with ideas, blogfodder , or just to say Hi! It's nice to see
so many like minded people out there.

Thank you all.  I hope the New Year is better than our expectations.

The journey continues............... 

Play nice, don't break anything, keep your powder dry.

I'll be back.


  1. Don't BREAK anything?! Shit, you don't know me very well. Don't worry about us, we'll be here when you get back.
    Go mbeannaí Dia is Muire duit.

  2. Have fun, take a breather and go get laid.

  3. Have a little Irish whiskey or three. And, we will be here when ya get back.

  4. Some Maker's Mark, a BJ, and a good steak dinner will fix that winter doldrums right the fuck up.

  5. your Revolver Map looks like a Global Pandemic hit it

  6. Take care of yourself Irish. We will be here when you come back.

  7. Thou whoreson impudent embossed rascal! Get thee back soon.

  8. I come by everyday to check on what's going on don't always comment but I enjoy it nonetheless. thank you

  9. Be good or have fun, whichever comes first.

  10. Take care and come back revived !!

  11. Sorry I'm late with my New Years Greeting....so here it is.
    Have a Great New Year, Irishman! ;)

  12. Enjoy your trip but be forewarned... shit won't change for the good while you're out and about.

  13. Hey, you've only been gone a few days, and something is missing for the blogespheare, hurry the fuck back...............;)

  14. You mean I'm going to have to look for that awesome header art myself. Some Happy New Year that is. Well good, pay attention to that real world stuff for a while. I hear there's....people out there. Look out for the crazies. Oh, never mind. We'll be right here where you left us.

  15. Happy New Year Irish :-)
    Something is definitely missing... :/
    Be Well, Stay Safe, Have Lots of Fun... We'll hold down the fort for ya... ;-)

  16. It's not the same without you here.

    Hope to see you back in good spirits soon.

  17. Catch you on the flip-flop, good buddy. BTW, either you did something to the blog or something is SNAFU. Only getting 1 post per page. Damn gremlins....

  18. WTF!?!?!?!? You'd better be back! I love your stuff, and I know I'm not here as often as I should be, but I always counted on you to provide good thought when I came over. Please don't totally jump ship, we need you! And 2.5M in 2 years? I've been at it for far longer and barely have more than a 10th of that. You have a following I'd be WAY proud of!

  19. Just be careful out there.....

  20. ugh, and I was just thinking I needed a Feral Irishman hit.
    Withdrawal in 3, 2, 1....
    Blessings and Peace upon you Pissed.

  21. I imagine our missing host is sitting in a pub in Dublin.

    Where else would a Feral Irishman go to get recharged!

  22. Thanks for your excellent blog, what a long, strange trip its been.

  23. You're as bad as Nurse Myra! Please get back to work, we need your wit and wisdom!

  24. Sumbitch is in jail. A good lawyer, had they ever invented such a thing, would have gotten you work release.


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