Thursday, December 6, 2012

Alright, Which One of You Is This?


  1. Not me! I'm the one with the KLR 650!

  2. I'm guessing Arizona. Brings up a good question though. How do you transport a gun on a bike. Here in Missouri, you can carry loaded and out in tie open or concealed inside a car, no license required. Can you do that on a bike? I guess I need to do research, and buy a bike! ;0)

  3. Wasn't me! My bike is blue! ;-P

    Monty - you might consider a bike with saddlebags or a trunk - still a bit difficult to adequately carry a long gun though...............

  4. Ain't me, bikes get me thrown in jail, that's why I have the hotrod. I do like his attitude though....;)

  5. I can neither confirm nor deny.....

  6. I am proud to say that I'm 90% sure that picture was taken in Texas. Alvin (The roadsign points to Alvin), is south of Houston on the Texas coast.

    Funny story, a guy That I used to go shooting with in College used to drive through town on his shitbox honda with an SKS strapped across his back. Never got stopped.

  7. If it was a Rossi .44 lever, then it might have been me.
    Or a Mosin...
    Or one of the shotguns...

    But I never strap the AR to my back and head out for a spin.
    As Bob at 3boxes or KX59 might tell you, it's the panniers that are usually just brimming with trouble...

  8. Looks like that person is sporting a ponytail.
    I always figured a ponytail was merely a handle for use while skull ******* someone!

    So no, It sure as hell aint me!

    Har Har.

  9. Not me -- I'm on a VStar with side cases.

  10. I used to drive around in my 70 Chevy p/u with an AK on the gun rack, not a bike though.

  11. Not me. I'd have the HK91. Besides She Who Must Be Obeyed won't let me have a motorcycle.


  12. Not me. Do you think he has enough scope on that rifle? I didn't know you could shoot 1000 yard benchrest with an AR-15 ;-)

  13. judging by the scope i'd have to guess wirecutter

  14. Twern't me, I don't ride anymore and I use a HK91 not an M4gery

  15. Not I - too difficult to get that rifle into action while driving. Now if there was a pistol on the hip...

  16. Texas doesn't have open carry. Yet I hope....

    1. It's completely legal to have a rifle or shotgun in plain view, or hidden in Texas. Open or Concealed only applies to handguns.

  17. That was almost me, except I was in Tucson, AZ on my Ducati M900 Monster carrying my FN-FAL to a gun show. The money-grubbers in the median left me alone that day. About 15 years ago...


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