Thursday, September 15, 2011

Did anyone else get this email about Sentlove.to??

I kinda checked it out breifly. I'm not sure what to think yet?

Have any of you seen this yet?


Here is the email:

The Feral Irishman,
My name is Chris Lyman and I am a die-hard political weenie. My grandmother was Undersecretary of the Air Force under the Carter administration (not bad for a woman in the 1970s!) and much of my formidable youth was spent arguing around a dinner table: left, right, and center. I watch two hours of political news each day and, well, it's clear: I have politics on the brain. :)
This is why I write to you today. One year ago, I co-founded a political/tech startup. The company is called SendLove.to and our goal is: real-time, social polling to improve the political discourse. See, the web has done a great job of giving the "little guy" a voice. But, it has done a lousy job of distilling those voices into actionable data for our politicians. They still rely on phone surveys!
So, my company has made this really cool, free plugin for publishers. It scans your articles for politicians and allows your readers to rate & discuss the people you write about. It also introduces them to older articles about the same people to drive up your engagement numbers. So, far so good! We are on about 350 sites including www.themoderatevoice.com. They have gone on record reporting saying that they see a 42% increase to time spent per article and a 71% increase to page views. The 2nd stat seems inflated, but I do not doubt the 1st one -- readers really like becoming engaged in the political process. 
The plugin is gorgeous and I have included some screenies below. I really think it's a great fit for The Feral Irishman. What do you think? 


  1. Yeah, I got one too, but mine started off "Dear Knuckledraggin..." He called me dear - must like me better than you.
    Read it and deleted it. I got enough friends now.

  2. Yeah,I got one sent to "Mr. B". Same text.

    I'm not gonna be the first to try it though.

  3. It kinda "smells" For all I know, they want to track "us" better. if the government wants to find me, they gotta do it the old fashioned way...have somebody turn me in....why help them along.

    Just my thought

    "Just because I am paranoid, it don't mean that they ain't out to get me"

  4. I got one too ... I thought one of the passerbys turned me in at Attack Watch ... Sounds to me like they're making a list.


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