Friday, July 19, 2019

Which Derriere?

There were some comments on Jeffery's  post about the booty size...

Which One is preferred?

Which One?

Doesn't Matter
Created with QuizMaker


  1. What on earth makes women think men want a size 49 butt likened to the rerr-end of a Mack truck? Perhaps some men do. I sure don't. Slender and skinny and looks like she knows how to put the fork down = yes.

  2. There needs to be more detail/criteria than just big or skinny. Big doesn't necessarily mean huge. Skinny doesn't translate into Bergen-Belsen inmates either. I also understand to each their own. I had friend that told me once early on that skinny high school girls would age fine and be better proportioned later in life while girls that had big boobs and nice rear ends at a young age would likely end up fat. I do not subscribe to that line of thought, but some guys do. I will say that skinny-anemic looking "models" never ever appealed to me. Who am I to judge anyone's body. The Lord only knows what their thoughts are of when it comes to old men with a beer belly, graying hair, and "daddy body". I do think there is pure instinct that draws a large segment of men to larger breasted and wider hipped women and that is the ability to fee their offspring and facilitate child birth whether women believe that or not. It is in or DNA. I also think today's society has been programmed to some degree to believe what is pretty mainly based on Hollywood's idea of the perfect female (thin, wispy, etc.). If that is what a man desires, have at it. It is not for me. I do not like gargantuan ghetto asses on any woman. They are not the least wise attractive. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The bottom line is I'm a happily married man that likes to joke, gawk on occasion, comment, etc., but I've always thought my wife of 35 years (even when we were dating) was "just right". That is why I married her. It helps that she has a nice but too! LOL

    1. They won't necessarily end up fat, but remember...gravity always wins. I'd rather have a modestly proportioned girl whose body will stand the test of time.

      To answer the question in the post, though: Somewhere in between, but if I had to choose, B.

  3. I'm gonna go for C. Not a fan of the "thick" butt, but also want to see some hips involved and not the boy hips. Something like https://i0.wp.com/thelaughterward.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Hanging-with-friends..jpg?w=600&ssl=1

  4. Do you know what "A" is going to look like in 20 years?
    But then again, nothing says you have to keep it.

    1. Except that little oath that you made to her and God if you got married. Pick wisely. Look at the mother if she is huge this your destiny. If she loves you it still beats spending that rest of your life with a crazy bitch that is hot. Been there done that.Hope this helps so you don't spend 5 years of your life figuring that out. Just passing on years of experience and failures. Don't be Shallow Hal asshole. You will pay for it. Trust me Karma is a bitch. Take the high road.

  5. Is this one of those trick questions.....in which we find out it is the same person, but at different angles?!?!!?


  6. Pick an B it will look like an A in 10 -15 year. Pick an A and you will dry heave when you see it in the same time frame.

  7. Don't hang around people that take pictures of their ass to share.

  8. Kardashian ass is as ugly as tattoos on a woman. Only thing worse is if they suck on cigarettes too. I'd kick them to the curb


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