Monday, January 21, 2019

Watch this eye-opening video explaining what the author believes is a coming civil war in America before it is removed by YouTube

This is a very informative video and worth the 47 minutes time it takes to watch. There are a few excerpts from a "movie" that could have been left out in my opinion, but the author, John Mark, does a good job explaining how the demokrat party changed it's strategy in 2011 when demokrat strategist went from including working class white males to targeting immigrants and minorities only. This has brought about full on communism and the hatred for the white straight male in America. Feel free to pass along.


  1. Stockpile weapons and ammo, mostly ammo......

    1. Like an article I read a few weeks ago stated should a SHTF event occur, "you'll do a lot more eatin' than you will shootin'". As one would prepare for any emergency, don't forget beans beans, bandages, and bullets. Comms are important too.

  2. It won't take long for gays and blacks to discover the brown colonists don't want them on their side either.


  3. If they kill off all the Makers, who will pay for all the Takers? If the makers kill off all the takers, will we finally be able to keep more of what we FREAKING MAKE?

    1. "10-4!!!!" I remember an old B&W Movie back when Iwas about 4 years old.. Te building was on fire.. (somewhere in the 'French and Indian war) this "Indian was all fire-eyed!! Yelling, at the top of his lungs!!!,"KILL!!!!!!! TAKE PLENTY SCALP!!!!!!!" That was then.... 'Back in the 'NAM it was "EARS!!" I'm not proud or tired... I'll just take their "FIRST BORN!!!!"

  4. Well, if we are going to have a civil war, which will not be civil at all, then lets get it over and done with so I can get back to reading, "The Feral Irishman".


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