Thursday, August 10, 2023

" Never pass up an opportunity"

Sadly, this has been the lead off story here in Alabama (and is making the national news rounds too/ i.e. FOX) since it happened last Saturday. This story began in Montgomery, Alabama. Montgomery is the first capital of the Confederacy where Jefferson Davis was sworn in as president on the steps of the state capital, the Selma to Montgomery March, MLK leading boycotts and other ancient civil rights issues used to fuel white guilt and racial strife. The fight escalated after some white folks in a pontoon boat got into a ruckus with the black co-captain of a paddle wheeler tourist boat over who should park where at the dock on the Alabama River downtown Montgomery. The confrontation escalated with others joining the melee. A class reunion was taking place on the riverboat and it was coming in from a cruise so, there was plenty of people on the railing of the boat with cell phone cameras getting some good footage of the fight.  It is like the media (particularly is doing their very best to create hatred between the races. From the very beginning this story has morphed into a taller tale of black vs. white and vis versa than it ever was. The networks slip innuendos in at every opportunity. Early on they had one of the black people watching this circus refer to the behavior of a white man as "he was feeling his white privilege". Really? I must be missing mine.

The local media has done their part to make this as controversial as they can even though one of the participants, a large black man who happened to be a native of Michigan (yankee to boot and the media missed that one-LOL!) said he believed the brawl was not racially motivated. He waded in to help break up the fight and did not throw or receive a punch. Check out more if interested. Also, there is the news conference where the Police Chief of Montgomery (black man) states that he believes there is nothing racial about this incident. Google and YouTube are full of stories about this fight. One is of a young black man who jumped from the paddle wheeler as it approached it's landing and swam to the dock to aide the black co-captain of the ship ( click here  ). As a note, I posted this photo and headlines to illustrate just how hypocritical and contradictory can really be.

Read more HERE.

Racist diatribe HERE and HERE

If your time is limited read this twisted-racist-pile of stinking bullshit Fade In The Water: The Montgomery Melee Was A Modern-Day Rebellion  Somebody at Commie headquarters is earning their pay. With all of "it's"  historical wisdom Keka Araujo failed to mention that one of the largest slave owners in Alabama was a free black man from Montgomery County, Alabama who owned over 360 of his fellow "skinfolks". 

Montgomery Riverfront Park brawl: 2 defendants jailed on assault charges
Montgomery Riverfront Park brawl: 2 defendants jailed on assault charges
Allen Todd, 23, and Zachery "Chase" Shipman, 25, turned themselves in to Montgomery police.


  1. History and privilege do not make for good sheep distracting news. Like I’ve posted, the little picture at little big horn aptly titled Custer battle of Washita had no description. Because he went in there and slaughtered men, women, and children including Chief Black Kettle after he had negotiated hunting permission in the area with the military.

    1. That's right and let's not forget that rat-bastard Custer had to quit the "battlefield" at the Washita in a hella hurry because whilst Black Kettle's band was peaceful, there were many others in the immediate area who were not and were gathering to wipe him out. So, rushing into battles without proper prior planning was a regular Custer trait as demonstrated later at the Little Big Horn. And another thing, Custer pulled out while a detachment of 20 troopers led by Major Joel Elliott was massacred and did not attempt to aid them or even determine their fate.

  2. It’s all typical of the news. Whatever gets more clicks sells. Other than that, nobody cares

    1. The media is driving the narrative. I noticed on almost every article about the story they mentioned race.

  3. So many good memes have come from this. Montgomery is a livelier town than I remember.

  4. When we’re thinking about killing each other, we aren’t thinking about killing the “elites”.

    That’s the kind of thinking at work ginning up this nonsense. The elites think commoners can’t multitask. They’re wrong. I’m not advocating violence, mind you, but I hear folk talk when I’m rambling through a store…

    1. "Elites" are to "parasites", as "MAPs" are to "pædophiles".

      But it's nice that you respect their self-identification.

  5. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Jesus Christ - Sermon on the Mount circa 30-33 A.D.)

    1. and the meek shall inherit the earth, but they wont get the ball. Charles Barkley

  6. I ain't lost anything in Montgomery so I'll stay down here on the coast.

  7. The Media IS the Massage

  8. RE; aquaman... I've never seen anybody expend so much energy to move so little through the water. If it'd been another 10 feet to the dock, that dude wouldn't have made it. Hell, he was foundering from the moment he hit the water.

  9. The sad thing is that now, and for decades, 'any' interaction any whites have with blacks 'is' seen as "racial" ... by the blacks.

    Just like feminists and "misogyny", the fact is that "racism" is (and to an extent always was) merely a fact-free club to beat 'the enemy' over the head with.

    That 'stupid' Russian propaganda piece (showing a couple emigrating to America, required to bow and abase themselves to any/all blacks) is unfortunately all too true, because to many/most blacks (and all leftists) 'not' abasing yourself, and giving the blacks anything they want 'is' seen/believed/known to be racism to them.

  10. Too many are awakening to their lies. Too many can see now.
    They are getting desperate, and they are capable of anything ( see Jan6 , see covid , see parents and Catholics designated as domestic terrorists)
    Keep your heads on a swivel and keep your powder dry brothers.
    A reckoning is on the horizon...

  11. You are feral in your wild and ridiculous assessments Mr. Irishman.
    Everything in America is about race, that's why you're bringing it up. Your paultry anger is evidence that you dislike American history which concurrently is also Black History.
    There is a lot of satire being used because of the ugliness of Alabama's racist past and apparently present.
    Mr. Irishman you seem like another white male crybaby who hasn't gotten used to the fact that this is and always has been a multicultural society.
    You're more worried about defending a race than the evidence of an assault against a dock worker.
    Perhaps you should return to Ireland and learn about the discrimination there between seemingly identical people.

    1. Anybody got a match I can throw at this strawman?

    2. You need to get laid more.

    3. So please explain why the number one killer of black people is other black people. Most crime by percentage of population is committed by black people. Cities with high concentration of black people are crap holes. Even Jesse Jackson has noted this.

    4. Can't we all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya?

    5. Maybe the Media and their overlords shouldn't view every story about race. They keep the racism going.

      Re: Morgan Freeman

    6. To add, I've had the corporate training session where I am told I have implicit bias. That I'm a racist and don't even know it since I'm white. I'm not racist, I'm assholist. If your an asshole go fuck yourself. If you have good character and a work ethic no problem

    7. Your skin is your uniform, whether you realize it or not. shrug

    8. The biggest killer of blacks is abortion. Meaning black mother's choosing to end the life of their children. Planned Parenthood's goal of eliminating the black race by having mother's voluntarily murder their children is sinister enough, but then blacks vote overwhelmingly (90%) for the Democratic party that supports Planned Parenthood and the elimination of the black race.

      Some day I would like to know the rationale for the black support of the party of the KKK.

    9. @anonymous 8:45 AM

      Since Row v Wade was co-opted into law in the 70's, there has been virtually no increase in the black population in the USA. Margaret Sanger's ultimate goal of eliminating the black and other "undesirable" populations hasn't been realized. However it has kept the black population percentage in check. That and the black on black murder rate. Plain old birth statistics indicate that the black population percentage in this country should have increased by at least 25-50% during the last 50 years. Yet, it has remained almost constant at +/-13%.

      Leftists and a goodly percentage of the black population, mostly the race hustlers, because that's all we hear from, were outraged when Roe v Wade was overturned. Never mind that it shouldn't have been ruled "a woman's right" to begin with. You'd think that some of the more educated black people would have figured out that abortion on demand was limiting their population growth by now and supported overturning Roe v Wade. But no, they're just too enthralled with "the USA is a racist country/society" narrative, as false as it may be, to take an intellectual look at the issue.


    10. A proud product of public school and vax programs

    11. Nemo, true enough. Blacks have abortions at 4 to 5 times the rate that white women do. So Margaret Sanger hasn't achieved her dream of exterminating the black race, but she's probably pretty proud of keeping (Ruth Bader Ginsberg's words) "the wrong people from breeding."

      Aside from killing their kids, the other major threat to blacks in general, and black men specifically, was Johnson's "Great Society" that basically told poor families that they would be better off without their men. Sadly enough, this fell disproportionately on black families. What's the Stat, 80% of black babies are born to fatherless homes? And the black people vote for this?!?

  12. Somewhere, skies are blue.
    Somwhere, snow is white.
    All I know about this one is
    He ain’t too f$$$$$g bright.

  13. one gives a fuck. Is this site going downhill? Seems like it. Maybe you're just being lazy.

  14. Who gives a flying fu*k about the opinion of an ignorant anus who is too cowardly to sign their name to their brain dead mutterings.

  15. From:Unknown

    Like I've said earlier (but wasn't published) I don't give a fuck about white n___ vs black n____ news. And this response above is why.
    If we are to move beyond this National Enquirer mindset we need to ignore this crap and focus on better things.
    I come to this site for mind provoking subject matter. If this offal is what you'll be offering then I'll find my entertainment elsewhere.

    I edited the comment to post. Irish

    1. Your comment was moderated as noted. I'm not giving some asswipe ammo to email blogger about racism because someone wrote a word in a comment that is spread across many a lyric in today's music.

  16. A word has no power except for what we give it. If a word is so offensive, then stop using it. EVERYONE STOP USING IT.
    When you allow only one race to say a word , then the true racists become obvious.
    Also, if a word doesn't define you, why be offended?
    A better word to explore is FREEDOM. Freedom means exactly that; freedom to say what you want ; freedom to believe in what you want ; and even freedom to be an asshole , if you so choose.
    So let's all keep playing this tired old fiddle and keep watching as Rome burns...

  17. While being lectured by neighbor about white racism, I asked him why he moved out of the ghetto into this white neighborhood. He damn near turned white.

  18. The dock captain likely called the pontoon boaters "crackers", so it's justified

  19. All comments here are moderated, as well they should be since they post under your masthead. It’s clearly noted as soon as one clicks “Publish”.

    I come here because the commentary is good and the posts are even better. I’d like to hope it stays that way.

    1. There are no changes planned.


  20. "paultry"? Too dumb and / or lazy to spell "paltry"

  21. Only people I love and respect can hurt me with words. Many of which would be perfectly acceptable to use here without so much as raising an eyebrow. That other word...., the etymology suggests it refers to distant relatives or inhabitants from a specific region of the dark continent. If I say it like a Frenchman, would that be acceptable? It's been in the news lately so it must be ok. As far as the media is concerned.... did anyone expect anything different? The more outrageous and sensationalized, this equates to better ratings and advertising dollars. If anything is to happen, the media will be the match that lights the powder keg. Play at your own risk.

    El Cabrone

  22. PT in NH, remember "dont call me nigger" by Sly Stone? Blazing Saddles? We were at a point when all this shit was dying out. I graduated High school in '72, Air Force 75 to 83. I worked 32 years in gov't. most areas I worked in were close to 50/50 black white, never saw a single "racial" issue in any place I was stationed until obama and the hard core commies started screaming it daily and the scam artists and race hustlers were given free reign nightly on the "news". Irish you have an entertaining product here, you are appreciated and thank you

  23. Fug it! I just watch my 6, mind my own business, and know where I'm at, don't get too drunk to not be able to pull my piece iffin I need too!

  24. Simple fact: Everything is NOT about race. The ONLY people who say that are racist using race for their own purpose.


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