Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....


  Jeez... you guys are restless!!

  It was tough going trying to rush home....


Poor Phillip....








TGIF!! Trump's Golf Is FANTASTIC!
















Keep looking. I figure "FFF" will show up around "dark-thirty".


Malena Morgan Glasses GIF - MalenaMorgan Glasses Hot GIFs

What Is This You Ask?



  Phil sent this to me last night....




 Click on the picture for the story.  Prepare to shake your head.

Dear Congresscritters and Swamp Dwellers...


 Maybe you should take a page from this guy's book:



Texas Roadhouse CEO and founder dies


LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Texas Roadhouse, Inc., today announced the passing of its founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kent Taylor.

Greg Moore, Lead Director, provided this statement on behalf of the Board of Directors: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of Kent Taylor. He founded Texas Roadhouse and dedicated himself to building it into a legendary experience for “Roadies” and restaurant guests alike. During the pandemic, he gave up his entire compensation package to help support his frontline workers. This selfless act was no surprise to anyone who knew Kent and his strong belief in servant leadership. He was without a doubt, a people-first leader. His entrepreneurial spirit will live on in the company he built, the projects he supported and the lives he touched.”

Kent Taylor founded Texas Roadhouse in 1993 and held various positions, including most recently Chairman of the Board and CEO.

About the Company

Texas Roadhouse is a casual dining concept with over 630 restaurants system-wide in 49 states and ten foreign countries. For more information, please visit the Company’s Web site at www.texasroadhouse.com

I'll hold my breathe.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Mistakes Were Made....



 There is a little clip of music at the beginning of the video, after that turn it up... funny as hell!





Triggered (funny and true)

H/T to Robert in Cullman

UPDATED! German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: "Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage."

 face mask oxygen deprivation Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson

Read the story HERE

H/T to James in Albany

I received a note this morning from Irish along with his "metabolic profile" results from his recent blood sample indicating elevated levels of CO2. He has been wearing a mask every day at work all day long since the scamdemic began. The CO2 levels confirm Dr. Griesz-Brisson's warnings. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Irish's Tour de F̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶.... er... Lily White Neighborhoods...


 Earlier today I needed to venture south across enemy lines to the PRoM.  People's Republic of mASS.

Many of the towns I drive through are lily white. I see BLM signs , hand painted BLM signs, 

rainbow signs like these:


Now the winner is this one below that has been around since the Oblowme years.  

It is made with tape and just stuck to their fence. For a while the Obama portion was faded

 and the tape was peeling away. 

They must have hunkered in their basement for four years during the Trump Empire.

Needless to say, they have felt emboldened again to once venture forth and eludicate us with 

their child like art work.  I think a little google fu on the webz will reveal my preconceived notions

of said residents.  

According to demographics this town has a whopping .5% population of African Americans.

Lily white and feeling the guilt.

 Seriously? are these residents like five years old or something?

 See I ain't lying. Here is street view from 2018

Gotta go, my pillow just texted me... I'm late.

Irish Log Stardate 3/14/21.......


 So far there is not much to report. 

There have been no visits by law enforcement or fire safety.

The supervisor has checked in to make sure all is well a few times though.

Yesterday was extremely productive regarding the project list that I have compiled for spring.

Most of you would find it to be boring. Me, I enjoy my alone time outside and seeing the final result

of what I choose to accomplish.  I have a set of these headphones. They don't cover your ears so 

you can hear your surroundings. Pandora play list and my phone in my pocket and I'm set to go.

Start off the day:

As some of you know I'm up early. Some coffee and computer time to get started.

Then responsibilities.

We have 2 cats. They don't get along so feeding and indoor vs. outdoor time needs to be monitored to

keep em' seperated. 

Next up is the horses. Most of the time I don't handle the day to day other than dumping the shit cart.

Since the boss in on a mini vacation I have horse duty.

 Morning feeding then pasture time. The paddocks are a mess from the winter

so part of yesterday was spent cleaning one stall area. There is still hard pack ice insulated under the 

manure. Hopefully it will melt in the sun now that the covering is off.

I listed a few items for sale on marketplace and craigslist and sold some weathertech mats I had listed

a while ago. We arranged to meet near the local highway which is route 93 in Windham. I arrived

early and decided I was hungry. Not having an Egg Mcmuffin in many moons, I spun through the 

drive-thru to get one. This is the text I sent my buddy Steve once I had my sammich:

Holy shit...

Once I returned, I loaded the tool box to do fence repair and add an automatic latch to one of the gates.

It's been a looong time since someone forgot to latch the gates closed and 2 of the horses decided they

were bored and made a jailbreakI fixed that issue.

After lunch a Home Depot run for some shelving was made. Upon returning to the bunker I checked

on the cats.  AWW..( all was well) other than he must have pulled the tile off the corner. Another

project for today.

Install shelving to replace the old wood planks someone nailed into the wall.  

Clean and reorganize the closet. ( Why did I bother, it will be redone, most likely :) )


Trash run to garage.

Recycling. Gotta save the planet.

Load dishwasher.

Headed back to barn to clean the loft and throw hay down for the week. Got sidetracked up there

and spent a few hours house keeping. Rocking the headphones to Airbag on my Pandora.

Let the horses back in for feeding. 

Secure the barn.

Stop in garage and tidy up.

Grab a beer and make some dinner.

Hot shower.

Do some paperwork for work as I 'm at the computer for a bit.

Sit down on the sofa and.....zzzzzzzzzz

Forgot it was day-light savings today.

The cats are done and I'm headed out to feed the horses.

They act like they haven't eaten in weeks......