Saturday, September 7, 2024

Soy Boy Posts Crap To MAGAWOMEN.... MAGA Woman respsonds... ( According to the comments he has since deleted his account)







Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....







 White House: Congress Needs To Act On Gun Control

                                I imagine there will be more of this BS in the coming days. 

                                                                                       LINK to GOA story


H/T to Bob in E-town

Student Loan Forgiveness Call......


  This guy stayed on the call through the whole thing. The woman making the call is great!


 H/T to Leigh












Thursday, September 5, 2024

Working On It...





 H/t to RK for the GIF!




Amazon Prime, Delivering Shit Fully Assembled and Ready For Use....












UPDATED: Cullman County Sheriff Matt Gentry is "pissed off today" and rightly so

Cullman Co. Sheriff Matt Gentry said in a press conference yesterday, "I'm pissed off today. I'm pissed off that we are even having this conversation". Gentry was  commenting on a situation where a Cullman Co. citizen was the victim of an online trailer sale that turned into a robbery. The seller was a local veteran who advertised a trailer for sale online. The perp was an illegal who had been caught and released by U.S. authorities. Yet, here he was. It ended up that the seller had a gun and shot the illegal invader after he pulled a knife and attempted to rob the him. Gentry went on to praise the victim for being armed saying "that probably was the only thing that saved his life". The sheriff is right. We should not even be having this conversation, but here we are with the very government that is supposed to represent the best interests of the American people force-feeding us this nightmare. These days the caretakers of the Republic have shoved the honest, hard working, taxpaying Americans to the back of the bus and have not only allowed, but openly encouraged a foreign occupying "army" onto the American populace. What Quislings there are among us! What drives these "leaders/officials" to do this? It was bad enough when we had banditos sneaking across the border. Nowadays, and in a concerted effort and for what I do not know, millions have been and are at this time being transported by planes, trains, and automobiles to points in the U.S.  Why we sit in bars, cafes, diners, and around supper tables we all ask, "why is the government doing this to us? Never does a sensible reply or solution appear, but only sinister motives. There has been another big controversy recently with illegals, refugees, mercenaries' or whatever we decide to call these people who smile, grin, nod, and appear to not speak English in Cullman and nearby Blount counties with a forced influx of Haitians under the guise of "to work in the nearby chicken processing plants". I mean to tell you, those folks over there (Alabamians) are pissed off about that and I don't blame them. That makes about as much sense as turning a box of rattlesnakes loose in ones own bedroom and removing the lightbulb right before bedtime. This illegal invasion business has jumped the track miles down the line. I, along with millions of other Americans, share the frustrations of Sheriff Gentry. What will we do if anything? Just a few months back, there was the video out of Haiti where the guy was gnawing on a human hand with another foot and hand cooking in the nearby campfire. It is all madness. If the missionaries could not tame the Haitians in six centuries why do liberals believe they can? Who in their right mind would import such a dangerous trainwreck into their very own country? How many more senseless rapes, murders, and other deaths  of innocents in tragic auto accidents due to ignorance of driving laws and DUIs, etc. will the American people have to endure because of ________ politicians listen to the cries of their constituents who they have presently abandoned?  Why are we suffering through all of this and other forms of "induced drag" unnecessarily? How long until the American people cry out ENOUGH? I share the pain of Sheriff Gentry and thousands of other Americans across the land that deal with this root problem 24/7?  Still, the invaders press north bringing all their virtues good and/or bad. I figure it will come to a head in time. 

Read more by clicking Sheriff Gentry  Also, there is the story of the Haitians . 

UPDATE on original story

While reading this story I thought of this scene of Quantrill in the film Ride With The Devil

Meanwhile, In Andover MA


 I bet they are fun a the neighborhood cookouts...






I bet it made more than a few Brits leery