Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Observation ....



  Is everybody sick with some kind of minor ailment. Cough , sniffle , sneeze mucus etc?


Most of the summer I coughed up crap in the morning shower. Have had a random intermittent cough

and or sneeze. I hear cough and sneezing in the office. Last week I was at the Dr's office and it seemed

they, the staff, were all sick. I asked the NP and she said the office was sick off and on for the past

 few months.

A coworker just got back from San Diego and he's down and out with Covid.


Just an observation.


  1. Looks it the cold and flu season. Getting sick during the holidays is normal. Especially if you have kids in school. They share germs freely. Take your vitamin C, D, and a health dose of zinc. It will pass like it does every year.

    Plus, we are getting old. We get sick easier.

    1. Second the vitamin regimen. Just make sure your vitamin d is supplemented with vitamin k. I used to get 1-2 sinus infections/year, sometimes with a side of bronchitis. That stopped as soon as I started the supplements. I had Covid, but thought I had a mild head cold.

  2. I think it's the contrails cough.

  3. Tis sneezin season. If you look at the Medicare death rates charted by day of the year it's a nearly perfect image of a peak. It starts low at the beginning of July. Climbs steadily and peaks around New Year's Day then begins to decline steadily to the end of June, and the start over. This time of the year we see tons of upper respiratory infections. Resulting in lots of sniffling, sneezing and coughing.

  4. Hmmm, you were at the Doc’s office last week and it seemed they were all sick? Is that unusual to be at a doctors office and sick people are there? You didn’t specify so mebbe is was the fertility doctor and you were there for a vesicular cleansing.....in which case, yes, that would be unusual....hope he was gentle.....

    1. I should have elaborated. All the staff. The NP said it was odd. And yes, she went easy. Irish

  5. Know a guy. Had covid. Said he thought he was gonna die. I go, 'the vx working?' He says, 'well I haven't gotten one in awhile, that's why.'

    1. He's still alive BECAUSE he hasn't gotten another Clot Shot. Idiot is NOT paying attention.
      "Covid" is an artificially modified flu gene, it has a modified SARS sequence grafted in to the codone string in a non-natural location.
      Bat virus my ass. Bioweapon.

    2. What is a "codone string" ?

    3. A 'codon string' is the genetic sequence for the organism.

      Michael in Nelson

  6. When I was a kid, nobody was allergic to anything. We got tackled and slid in the grass,most of us were just wearing cut offs and tennis shoes. Moms and dads were doing fine. The grandparents, doing fine. Today? Everyone is afraid to sneeze,because things can happen.

    1. Exactly! Cue the late, great George Carlins’s rant “Germs”.

  7. Irish, you take a morning shower ? Dang, you be a rich man.

    It’s the mRNA vax, studies show the vax reduces the normal human response to viruses. That’s why we have a new term that never existed before the vax called “ turbo cancer”.

    1. I've had the same thing and I'm unvaxxed...

    2. Lost two close friends and another one just (barely) survived a stroke.
      And my girlfriends daughter and husband who are vaxxed up the ass are sick with Covid, again.
      What a bill of goods someone sold somebody.

  8. I take every morning after breakfast the following: vitamin b complex, vitamin C, D3, b-12, zinc, co-q10, all these high quality, not the cheap crap, you get what you pay for. Namely, Bronson vitamins. No, never worked for them except worked for my dad that created most of their formulas back in the early 80's. I also take other stuff that most don't or won't. I believe the most important thing i take is a dose of Ivermectin, two days in a row, twice a month. Dosage depends on your weight. The tablets are available but a little pricey. I use the 1% injectable stuff, no, I don't inject it but take it orally, tastes terrible but mixed with juice it ain't bad. Want to learn more about Ivermectin? Go to this website for all you need to know: barnhardt dot biz/ivermectin. I don't get the flu and rarely get a cold. I swear that this regimen works. Try it for yourself, research it and screw big pharma. Hybo

    1. I second the comments about supplements, Ivermectin, and I use additional enzymic additions. Also second the Barnhardt site for reference information. I was in close contact with a very sick sickie and had no access to my defenses for a few days, so there we go.

    2. Same here as well. It has well-known anti-viral properties.
      Barnhardt has all the info.
      Been taking it since 2020 and zero colds, flu or Covid. Usually got at least one cold/year and flu every 3-5. I am out in public a lot.

    3. I take C and D daily Oct - Mar, and a full tube of IV every 3 months year round. Ain't been sick since 2006. I'm 68.
      My wife is the same age, takes nothing, and hasn't been sick since 2007.
      We do, both, adhere to the Remus rule: "Avoid crowds".

  9. No jab here. But, it's winter, the house is closed up, dust and allergens (cats and birds) are in the air (even with furnace filters). So I get minor throat tickles, sinus drip, etc. All perfectly normal for winter. Not sick.
    President Elect B Woodman

  10. We've had hundreds of patients with "flu-like" symptoms.
    Negative for flu, negative for COVID (except one out of hundreds), negative for strep.

    Conclusion: This is just seasonal viral crud that goes around every year, and has for centuries, if not millennia.
    And in America, it peaks between Thanksgiving and New Year's, because everyone's little plague monsters are around the house all the time, after sticking their fingers in their mouths, up their friends' noses, and getting into everything.
    all while everyone's friends and relatives, adult and child, all visit.
    Put some UV powder on small children's hands, and then see what your house looks like under a UV lamp a day later.
    I.e. seasonal viral pandemic jackpot.

    There is, literally, nothing to see here.

    Wash your hands, stay home when you're sick, and avoid people who are, as much as practical.
    Problem solved.

  11. Wife and I had the flu around Thanksgiving, which passed in a week or so. We both still have a cough, and my nose has been like a leaky faucet.

  12. There appears to be a lot of respiratory crud on the loose in the Denver area. Doesn’t seem to matter whether people have been vaxxed or not. Seems to help to avoid other people (duh) but most can’t do that. No clue if it’s a corvid19 variant or something else, and no clue if it’s more than one thing. The people I hear about mostly don’t get medical care, they just hunker down for a few days until the worst passes.

  13. Not with me, Irish, but when you’re pure of heart and mind, you can overcome stuff like that. Mind you, it’s early summer in the Southern Hemisphere now, 32C at midday, 24C after midnight. It’d be a whole lot nicer without the increased humidity from widespread flooding in Far North Queensland from ex-tropical cyclone Jasper. The fishing should improve as the creeks and rivers start to clear up, just in time to be able to use the huge mozzies as bait on the hook!

  14. Whacked a few days ago with a chest congestion and cough version. My usual defenses helped but some of the sappers got through the wire. Large slate of call-outs in my business, a couple of people had to be helped home.
    Best on everyone's recovery.

  15. Just got ( almost ) over a sinus/chest thing with the added joints feeling like they were tenderized with a mallet. Hang in there brother.

  16. Goggle seems to be actively interfering with posts made to non-party sites.

  17. In the 1950's the feds did a test in New York City and used the subway system to spread cold virus to see how effective biological warfare spread could be on the general population. The entire city suffered a cold/flu epidemic that winter. Two things came out of the test; it is easy to use ordinary everyday means to affect an entire population and you don't have to kill to conquer in that a simple case of the flu can disable an entire army long enough for it to be conquered.
    I too have noticed that I suffer from almost endless nasal congestion, especially in the morning when I hack up liquids from my lungs. I have also noticed that the general population around me is constantly coughing and sneezing and seems to be suffering from an endless head cold. A check in the cold meds department at the stores shows a decreased shelf inventory of treatments indicating a reduction in in supply or an increase in sales, neither of which is good.
    Eat better. Stay alert. God Bless.

  18. My Dr let slip that there are NINE different cruds floating around. We are under constant attack.

    1. In an average year there are over 600 different flu strains circulating.
      In a good year, the flu shot is good for maybe 85-90% of them.
      Leaving 60-90 that even the best year won't help with.
      In a bad year, the shot works against 10% or less.
      It's a guessing game.

      And that's only for actual influenza. Ordinary respiratory viruses are completely untouched by anything.

  19. My wife found this a couple of years ago and I make 6L at at time with white pine needles. Works great at knocking out a cold. https://rumble.com/v22ak0g-proven-homemade-cure-for-vaccine-shedding-covid-19-graphene-exposure-the-fl.html

  20. Comments are CENSORED.
    Ain't nothing more worthless than a hypocrite, other than a Cuckservative grifter.

    1. Comments are MODERATED. Please say hi to your Mom. I miss her.

    2. Yall are some really dumb mofos. I'm sure you're good at changing oil and unclogging toilets, lmao

    3. The average mechanic makes $47K/yr, and the average plumber makes $52K/yr. High end is closer to $75k/yr, depending on the location.

      Meanwhile, the average barrista makes $35k/yr (or less), and a fast-food worker well under $30k/yr, which gets you one bedroom (if you're lucky) in a four person apartment, and no hope in hell of repaying your student loans for that sociology degree in this lifetime.

    4. I'm a professional engineer for 30 years. But if forces to choose something else, would do anything but grease monkey or plumber, lmao

  21. Lingering covid. They did indeed weaponize a virus and release it into the world. Now it is with us forever. That the Chinese would do this doesn't surprise me. That our own government would hide the truth from us scares the shit out of me.

    1. The Chinese were hit with bio warfare three years running. In 2017 they had army corn mealworm. In '18 it was pig ebola. And then after much development in America and American funding for further research in China (and a secret lab in Colorado.)

      As sure as you are that China released COVID, I am sure the USA created and patented in '17 and then released COVID-19.

      ps; the rapid infection of the leaders of Iran indicate something was up.

  22. I developed a dry cough and stuffy nose about 10 days ago. It's not serious enough to go to the doctors but it is a pain in the ass. Everyone I talk to lately is complaining about the same symptoms.

    1. It’s the season of gunk!
      Get some Sudafed and some Mucinex. Add in whatever antihistamine floats your boat.
      Sudafed takes care of the stuffy nose and Mucinex helps turn your dry cough into something that will actually clear the crap out.
      We’ve had an unusually warm fall. The fucking weeds are still growing despite freezing temps in the morning. Weeds, grasses growing = allergy shit in the air.
      Can’t wait till spring when all the junipers start sending CLOUDS of pollen around.

  23. Have noticed nothing unusual. Probably that predictive programming thingy

  24. ps Getting old is hell, but I still refuse to grow up

  25. Looking back at my younger years, I'd just tough out my yearly dealings with the crud and wipe my nose on my work gloves. Now that I'm older, I can complain in the hope someone will have little sympathy and bake me a pie.

  26. 500mg Vit C 2X daily AM & PM + another 500mg Quick Dissolve if the sniffles or a cough starts up. I also take a multi Vit/Min once per day. I try to avoid crowded places, especially in winter. If I get a scratchy throat, I gargle with mouth wash.

    That regimen has kept me healthy, except for when I got Covid, for well over a decade.


  27. My wife and I don't drink except on our anniversary, and that's been a habit since 2020. Last time we got sick was November 2021 with a quick bout of Covid that we stopped with Ivermectin. We cut sugar from our diet at the beginning of this year, lift weights 3x-week, and are not the least bit worried about Winters or crowds. No coughs, fevers, colds or crud.

  28. Check your IGG1&2&3 vs your IGG4. IF 1,2&3 are low and 4 elevated you now have VAIDS. Vaccine induced immune deficiency. You only need to check if you had two boosters or more.

  29. Replies
    1. Roger that! Forever, low grade "mystery" respiratory/viral infections. Until they're not low grade. For anyone that got the klot shaut, I am sorry for you.

  30. Sometimes I wonder whether or not I'll be better off alive (unjabbed) after half the population has been killed off by unknown causes.

    1. YES!!! There will be a LOT less traffic. Probably no more speeding tickets. THINK of the possible ways life could improve! Or maybe we'll starve. Not sure.

  31. /liberal logic ON
    Well, you'll be better off because there will be twice as much food in the stores.
    /liberal logic OFF

  32. Seems to be a lot of opinions here, and like assholes, everyone has one and it's generally stinky. Yes Irish, there is some type of crud going around here in FL and according to a friends, in MD and AZ. Local ER doc says "rampant." Doesn't know the cause, just similar symptoms.

  33. How many of the Covid clot shots did you get?

  34. the last week me and Jim have been power poopin'. I know the food is sanitary and we have been clean in our habits, still power wash poopin though


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