Tuesday, December 19, 2023

It is amazing what can be done when your state's Supreme Court is stacked with communists who identify as democrats



  1. Replies
    1. Hey, some of us are still working to get out and or still don’t know where to go, so no fire and brimstone until we’re out, okay?

    2. Coloradan by choice. NOBODY here outside Denver and Boulder (peoples republic of) gives 2 shits what the vermin in our state government decree. That said, eat shit rayray.

  2. Commie=subhuman vermin.

    1. Unfortunately these vermin are quite popular these days. Speak up against these bastards as you can. Hybo

  3. Unconstitutional. Federal election.

    1. More technically, yes.

    2. Primaries are PARTY run. It is a party election, state has no say in the nomination process. Look it up.

  4. The rest of the states and people should sue Colorado for effectively nullifying their vote once Trump is nominated.

  5. Proving that the thin air really is bad for you.

    Akshully, Trump (AFAIK), has yet to be convicted of insurrection, so this is punishment without trial and would appear to violate the V and VI Amendments..

  6. I live in Colorado, and see this as disenfranchisement of the voting rights of all Trump supporters. let the civil rights lawsuits begin...

  7. Are there libtard "never Trumpers" in CO? Of course, there are but just because they wish it, does not mean Trump will not be on the ballot. I think this will be seen as unconstitutional and be overturned soon.

  8. More states will follow.
    The whole plan is to have republicans stay home and don’t vote at all.
    This then will give 100% of the house and 100% of the senate to the left.
    Bye bye American Pipe dream of staying a free country.

  9. Santos has been charged with irregularities with campaign cash and was kicked out of the House
    Trump has been charged with "insurrection" and has been removed from the ballot
    Menendez has been indicted for corruption and is still voting in the Senate

    Can anyone tell me the difference between these men?

    1. Trump has not broken any law for the "insurrection" charges, which are so bogus it's pathetic.
      Bit, we live in pathetic times.

  10. If anyone watching this crap stays home next November and their primary, may God help them and this Nation!

  11. In Colorado the Governor appoints the State’s Supreme Court Justices BUT in each Statewide election at least 1 or more Supreme Court Judges are on the ballot to be retained on that bench or removed. Colorado Republicans: remember their names and vote accordingly.

    1. @rickn8or December 20, 2023 at 11:58 AM

      That's not a very magical princess thing to say.

  12. I imagine it will be overturned, but if it doesn't then I hope the entire country can see what scum demonrats really are. I also hope this scheme backfires on demonratz all across the nation and voters turn out in mass to destroy the commies at the ballot box. With the left's white hot hate for God, Trump, and white people, I would not be surprised to see those asshats attempting to resort to more "drastic" measures. Who knows? They may have and we just haven't heard about it. Good luck and Godspeed DJT!

  13. It is clear that US Constitution Amendment 14 section 3 requires the US Congress to implement it. The US Congress has not done it and the Colorado Supreme Court is using this Amendment Section improperly. The Federal SCOTUS should strike this down and if they do not other states will do the same as Colorado.

    1. SCOTUS, lead by the spineless Chief Justice Roberts, will pass on hearing the case.

  14. There's nothing preventing CO voters from writing in Trump's name on a ballot.

    I just can't understand why/how Demonrats/enemy of The People press aren't getting the message that every time Demonrats eff with Trump; via indictment, trial, false accusations, out and out smears, what ever, his poll numbers go up.

    They really are that stupid.


  15. imo
    This is the trigger, to do what needs doing nation wide.
    Just m.o. though.

  16. Anywhere else. Hospital. Auto shop. Bank. A group (not a one "off" -- but a GROUP) put on a show of doing their job this, deliberately... lets' just call it "other than good". So awful, that the C-suite had to pull the company out of the "problem". Caused by a GROUP, conspiring. On the clock. To accomplish... something this... "other than good".

    How long would said group hold title within said company? After C-suite knew who they were? Knew who they were, because of what they did? Oh, your (current) wife's daughters (of all genders) SQUEAL, "HR says you can't fire them!" Neener, neener. How long will C-suite accept their future "work product"? Any... all... future "work product"?

    What will happen to the legal standing of the courts of Colorado? The "officers" of the courts of Colorado? At the federal level? Among other states? If... IF... SCOTUS squeals bull$hit?

    What does that tell you about the integrity of SCOTUS? The courts of ALL states other than Colorado? The Rule Of Law(TM)?

  17. No better case for term limits for every judge in the country has ever occurred. A reminder to all with the power to impeach: most if not all of you can also impeach judges.


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