Saturday, October 5, 2024

"I will see it to it that not another cent is given to a foreign country or that no more money is spent importing "refugees" until the citizens of this country are properly cared for as long as I am in office.."

 Of course, saying it versus doing it would be hard, but I imagine any person running for the offices of president, congress, or the senate that uttered those words would more than likely be "shoe-in" to the elected position they were seeking. Instead, we have a regime that apparently is totally inept and/or hates white Southern-Americans and throws money at foreign countries and other hopeless causes like a drunken sailor throwing money at a stripper. This same administration is apparently is doing everything in there power to hamper relief efforts in the areas hardest hit. 

SpaceX Engineer in North Carolina has dire warning: Biden-Harris' FEMA "actively blocking shipments for relief".


                                           Around lunchtime, Elon Musk shared a dire message from one of his SpaceX engineer



  1. Remember Maui? Same thing. Dark power controls the weather, dark power takes land away from the owners. For what? Shit to make batteries? More raping of our lands by these black ops? I don't consume news like most sheeple but I could see this 2000 miles away. Best start lookin' to see if you have enough ammo/food/water/meds etc. Insane clown posse may just come to your town too.

    1. CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!! But of course, you are correct on all points. Most people would argue to the death about "dark technology", but (((They))) have it. The Western and Maui fires demonstrated that OUT LOUD. Directed energy weapons anybody?...Bueller?

    2. Concrete and steel in twin towers turned to dust. Directed energy weapon


  3. Of course the Union hates Southerners! But people (including southerners) still claim it was about slavery. It's almost humorous they're still using the same old trope (DEI this time).

  4. It's not just in N. Carolina. They're doing it in TN & FL also. Here's an X article on why.

  5. The kind of mean, petty thing you'd expect from a couple diversity hires (old and white, dark) always protected by the machine.

  6. They'll shoot him first. Oh, wait...

  7. My wife was in tears after watching this video about what is happening in NC.

  8. As a drunken former Sailor, I'd like to point out that it was my own money I was throwing at the stripper(s).

    1. Yes sir! And I bet you had to stop when you ran out.
      TPTB will never understand either concept.

  9. I have done hurricane relief in the Army, and the Air Force over my career. I personally have delivered relief supplies and am thrilled to have people willing to help. FEMA is and always has been a bit of a boodogle to me, and sometimes more interfering than streamlining the delivery process.
    In south Florida we would run aid to the depot on Homestead, and then one ack the next morning and find the toilet paper hygiene supplies and diapers still where we delivered them to, left out for the afternoon overnight rain that occured every day. This was wasteful and caused by lack of coordination between the agencies involved. Most of this was dragged to the incinerator set up outside of town for disposal. I was lower enlisted Army, and no one was interested in what I thought about it. Hurricane Michael 6 years ago wiped out south Georgia, and I did not see as much infighting between agencies, as most couldnt be bothered to show up. This reduced the support but also allowed us greater freedom to do what we needed to. I don't know when the US government agencies declared war on the rest of us, but somebody should held accountable for the interference with relief efforts, and theft of supplies.

  10. "not another cent is given to a foreign country" - If that doesn't include Israel then it's just more politician BS.


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