Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The headline brought this old MP episode to mind.




  1. Initially seemed funny, except apparently said pensioner never got home and nobody can find him. Family suspect the troops shot him after the video.

  2. Is it genuine or is it Russian disinformation? The Russians have been quick to label the Ukrainians as Nazis since the invasion.

    1. It's bunk. Consider the source, RT, is owned by Putin's regime and publishes disinfo on a regular basis. It's so bad that anything RT prints must be taken as a lie until proven otherwise.

      There are few Nazis in Ukraine. IN contrast, Moscow is infested with skinheads and Putin has several Neo-Nazis in his inner circle, as well as several Army units that are openly Nazi.

    2. Your right, those civilians in the Donbass were bombed by the Amish around 2014 before and after and the Minsk accords were followed to the letter

    3. Real? Fake? Bunk?
      More than likely it's genuine.
      Chivalry and decency no longer exist in wars (if they ever did). Instead they've been replaced by humiliation and degradation.

      A friend of mine from Bosnia told me of shit that happened there like babies (infants!) being raped in front of their families by soldiers and sons being forced to fuck their moms.

      You might also want a refresher about Abu Ghraib where U.S. troops recorded themselves with Iraqi captives wearing nothing but dog collars and leashes. Much tamer than baby raping mind you, but humiliating none the less.

      So I wouldn't discount this is a legitimate story, because in war everything is possible.

    4. I could not begin to say if the "story" is "real or genuine". I did not read it. I posted the link as I figured readers would ask for it. My subject was the "headline". That photograph with the article looks fake to me. Reenacting has really evolved in the last 30 years, especially WW2. Historians are more astute and reproduction items, such as helmets, are practically indistinguishable from originals. I cannot say but the picture could be a "real" Ukrainian. LOL!

    5. IMO everything we see, hear and read is fake and gay but the murder of innocents including the soldiers of Ukraine and Russia is evil and those responsible will answer for it

  3. most Ukrainians are kind, but a significant are perfectly capable of doing this. the criminals give a name to the majority

  4. note that neither soldier shown has one scrap of blue tape..all ukrainian soldiers have at least one blue tape armband, most times both arms, and another around the helmet so they don't get shot by friendly fire.

    the truck also has no markings.

    the sign translates to "belgorod"

    I wouldn't believe anything you read on RT. it may as well have Baghdad Bob as the lead editor.

  5. Boris and Natasha. That’s been our programming. Why should we believe the bad ol’russkies? Trust our gov’t & media, right? Our see eye aye, various ngo’s and the state dept. were surely over there in the Ukraine selling daisies, and really not spreading nationalistic, anti-Russian propaganda since the 90’s there. Nah there wasn’t any coup in 2014 that brought cocainsky eventually to power. And hey, that Bandera guy Azov and other Ukro battalions take after are totally not not’sees -ish anyway. Why can’t these other countries just trust us and drink the globohomo koolaid?
    Gotta go, there’s some dam kids on my lawn again, here’s a video that’s totally fakenews :


    /s off excuse the rant


    1. There was no coup in 2014. Yanukovych ran rather than stand trial for his crimes on the Maidan, and other places. He ousted himself when he ran to his puppet master, Sad Vlad Putin, for asylum. He is still a fugitive from justice.

      The Russians shelled both sides of the line of contact in the Donbas, with shells reaching as far as Kramatorsk. The Russians routinely violated Minsk, while the Ukrainians did not have the banned heavy weapons the Russians routinely rotated in and out.

    2. Is that you, Vicky Nuland? Yes it was a coup, Boris derailed Minsk that was a farce anyway, and while you’re at it can you explain the 14,000 civilian deaths attributed to the Ukronazis bombing Donbas 2014 - 2022?
      Or the 40 some odd biolabs run by our gov’t in the ukraine?
      Don’t think so.



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