Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday Short To Start The Weekend....










  1. ...LOLOLOLOL we now have a new noun or maybe it's a verb to add to lexicon - lickalottapus
    I wonder if Webster is going to add it. Too much to hope for I think.


  2. Refined savagery. Like being torn apart by a pack of tuxedo wearing wolves. Kudos.

  3. That’s fuckin A funny shit right thar

  4. Will Shakespeare has got nothing on this guy.

  5. As I was laughing my ass off, I knew the wife had to see it. She was laughing out loud too!! 🤣🤣

  6. Reminds me of Marlin Perkins, Wild Kingdom. Sing along boys and girls; Mutual of oh my Gawd, it's Biden, he seems to have lost his chance.

  7. Hi Irish!!!!,
    'Love that,"British Flare" by the comentor.... That way of taking what would be delivered in a very "VULGAR!!!" way but because it's in that Brit demeanor... it takes the crass and turns it into subtle humor....
    'Would love to hear how the late David Nivon would address this ..
    also... Sean Connery ... in his best "James Bond" come back!!!!!.....
    and.. from this side of the pond.... how about.
    still with that flare.. the late Frank Gallop...
    and let's go a bit "Southern,".. Jeff Foxworthy!!!!!!..
    and don't forget Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White... with drink in hand!!!!!!
    "What a Show!!!! that would be!!!!!!!

    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat,


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