Thursday, March 21, 2024

Soundly Defeated....


 A friend of the blog sent the following:

Enjoy your posts.

Might want to comment on this. Friends over there are literally ecstatic.

Cheers.---  P.T.


Fine Gael politician Leo Varadkar, who became his country’s youngest ever Taoiseach (Prime Minister) in 2017 made a surprise announcement in Dublin on Wednesday, saying he was resigning the leadership of his party and the nation. Varadkar said he would stay on as PM until a new leader could be selected and sworn in, saying that would likely happen as the Irish Parliament returned to session after the Easter recess.

The resignation comes less than two weeks after Varadkar and his government allies suffered a massive and unexpected — by them, at least — defeat in a double national referendum this month. Under the proposed changes, marriage would have been redefined as “durable relationships” in the constitution, and protections for women were to be removed as they were claimed to be “sexist”. Despite a perception the government was definitely going to win the votes, they were actually defeated with 67 per cent and 73 per cent against on the two questions.

The referendum was not Varadkar’s first, indeed one of the first major events of his leadership was the 2018 referendum to abolish the right to life for foetuses, legalising abortion in the until-recently staunchly Catholic country. He was also a leading figure in the campaign to legalise same-sex-marriage, with the government winning a national referendum on that subject in 2015, when Varadkar was a government minister.

Irish media reported last year that Varadkar was considering making use of that constitutional change by marrying his long-term partner Matthew Barrett and “welcoming kids” to the family. But those statements came less than a year after the Irish leader faced headlines about him having been filmed “socialising” in a Dublin gay nightclub, which he dismissed as a “personal matter”.




  1. Isn't this he same a*hole leading the same Gooberment that proposed or passed a law to the effect that "thou shalt not speak ill of, or defend thyself against, an illegal that we (the Gooberment) have allowed to stay in the country (against all common sense)".
    Thinking of the November '23 Algerian a*hole that attacked and stabbed five people, the riots, and the Gooberment response.
    (it IS pre-dawn, pre-covfe, so I could be mixing things up a bit)
    President Elect B Woodman

  2. Aww..poor butthurt globalist on the run now. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the rope. Just like so many of our US politicians bailing on DC.
    Yall can run , but you can't hide.

  3. So if he runs away...were will he run to? Seems to me that those types of folks always end up in a "leadership role".

  4. The UK is a lost cause unless a revolt against invasion, cultural and physical, is initiated.

  5. Where's the IRA when you need them? If they were still active, this poofter would have been long since gone, suicided by two to the back of the head.

    Another consequence of allowing government to take your firearms.


  6. what? the irish couldn't find and irishman to be pm? where the hell did they did this yoyo up?

  7. Fucking awesome!🇨🇮

    Many more need a come to Jesus moment too .

  9. When I see a reprobate POS acquire office, the first thing I think of is a corrupted election. He may be resigning, but destroying his path to power is more important. That, and a good Irish beatdown by a pissed-off brawny Irishman.

  10. Time to get Bertie Ahern out of retirement

  11. Filthy, drunken, papists! When the trans-nationals appointed to rule you, declare "same sex" "marriage" The Law of The Land(TM), it's a patriot's duty to put a knee on his son's neck and spread his cheeks!

  12. The Irish have been socialists since the socialists fought each other to a standstill in 1922. This communist reprobate is the logical outcome of the Eire political system.

  13. I really can’t wait till the fun begins


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