Thursday, March 21, 2024

Oh Man, Talk About A FAFO... By The Time You Watch The Third Video You Will Have.....


......Gritted your teeth, yelled at your monitor, clenched your fists and reached for your gun...


Then, on video three.. you will stand up and cheer.



People are getting fed, the, fuck, up.....



 and now, our main attraction.......  Watch them in order...


Just add this to another reason why Irish don't fly.

The videos above were found here >>> Joe Has Dementia <<<


  1. Did that woman say she was a cop , and not to handle this same negro like that? Remember, she ain't there to protect and serve you.

  2. It will take more than that, but that is a start.

  3. We all need to stop flying. Get to where you plan to spend your life and make your stand and stay there.

  4. I really did not need to see this as I am schedule to fly May 1. Not my choice, but I have to get there and back quick... I use to fly for a living, now I want to live and not fly anymore....

  5. I haven't flown commercial air since 2004, not sure if my personality would allow me to be in an airport. I fly .mil air on a regular basis with no issues, so it not flying that bothers me, it the idiots I would have to fly with that get me. The mouthy individual should have been booted, don't care if he's just trying to get to his home country, don't come back. If you can't play nice while on the ground, I don't want you in the air with me.

  6. The white guy who put the mouthy asshole in a choke hold should have just clocked him with a right cross to the chin as soon as he got out of his seat, then, once pacified, dragged asshole down the aisle by his hair and pitched him out the door onto the tarmac. Fuckers like this guy, who think they're so almighty entitled, need to be FAFO'd daily, with video posted on the net. Maybe, after seeing enough of them having their lights put out, they'll figure it out. If not, at least the rest of us will be entertained.


    1. Yep. The bald guy done good. We need thousands more like him.

  7. I can't see these videos.... playback error...same as Boston video.... but kari lake plays fine.

  8. I left him a free ticket back to Africa in the bathroom toilet

  9. People who ain't true Americans, (and this has absolutely fucking nothing to do with any US government, this is about us Americans ourselves), have no conception of what we will, not can, we have not a thing to prove, thank you, what we are capable of when we have had all we will take.
    That day is nearer and nearer every passing minute.
    Rest of the world does not know what not allowing fear to rule us is about. We are the consummate about maintaining our nerve and keeping our cool.
    That is talking truth to power and ain't nothing like us, God Bless us. That day is coming sure as the sun rises.
    God better bless those who FAFO with us they best look out they will need it for We will not.

  10. To watch the brat fly to the tarmac would have been a chef's kiss moment.

  11. He was just a little high strung, that’s all.

  12. Too bad they weren't on Alaska Airlines with the gaping hole in the fuselage.

  13. The overall problem is there isn't enough face punching going on.
    A persons entire life view changes once they'd been properly punched in the face.
    They instantly learn respect and humility and to mind their own business.

  14. We hear a lot about Sky Marshals protecting us.
    I am gradually coming to the conclusion that is merely another grift.
    Propaganda without substance.
    In other news, nuclear weapons are real, the modern Navy is a deterrent, and the dollar is scheduled for a come-back.


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