Friday, December 29, 2023

You Don't See This On The News...










  1. A couple of those Molotov cocktail things would be in order I think.

  2. It's still too good in this country. We The People are still fat, dumb, and happy. No one cares as long as we have our sports on TV, plenty of grocery store junk food, and money in our pocket.

    Just wait, the fall will happen and be more painful than we can imagine.

    1. 1st paragraph I agree 100%.

      2nd paragraph-It’s happening.
      “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”
      Nothing ever goes as it does in ones thoughts.

      Local Local Local

  3. ...and they're not walking 000's of miles to get there either. They're being bused north by Christian NGO's from countries in Central and S. America. Those same NGO's are flying them into Central and S. American countries. What some enterprising "journalist", if there are any left anywhere, should be doing is finding out exactly what NGO's are facilitating illegal alien travel and who is funding it. I'd be willing to bet that Catholic Charities is number one on the list followed closely by the Soreass and Schwab Foundation's and other WEF affiliated political action groups. Samaritan's Purse is also high up on that list. I also wouldn't be surprised if the CIA was funding some of it through their dark project budgets.

    Ask your self why, after almost a century in CONgress between them, the two "good Catholics", Piglosi and Bribem, suddenly get an audience with the Pope within 3-4 weeks of each other.


    1. Nemo, Piglosi and Bribem were getting their marching orders from the pope.
      The very same thing the bigots were ranting about what would happen if JFK was elected...

  4. Yep
    Some kerosene and a road flare could take care of all that crap.

  5. Torch his whole fucking rig and laugh.


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