Friday, December 29, 2023

Good Lord, They Are All The Same....









  1. She should be charged with treason and.......

    1. ....election interference plus failure to uphold the state and federal constitutions. She is judge, jury and executioner, talk about a tyrant.

    2. Sedition ,conspiracy , insurrection .

  2. They're going to keep poking the bear as long and hard as they can, just trying to get the fireworks to kick off, so that they can initiate a full-scale lock down before next November.

    They don't seem to understand that, once you light off the fireworks, there's no putting them out until they've completely burned themselves out.

    1. Absolutely right. When this thing finally begins, it will not stop until the problems have been... corrected. This is truth, and one that seems to have eluded the calculations of those who would thoughtlessly foment such events...
      They will learn, however, and that very soon it would seem. And not just in Minecraft...
      Mike in Canada

  3. All Kabuki theatre.
    Their real goal is to create another global war, impose martial law and not have an election at all.

  4. This is all scary, Democrats forced a limited tested drug on the public, violated election laws, stuffed ballots, ran a false flag J6 event, falsely arrest citizens who the police allowed in the capital along with numerous FBI agents. Now kicking an ex elected President who is not convicted of Insurrection off state ballots. BTW none of the J6 people were convicted of insurrection. Never forget Dems allowed cities to burn causing billions in losses and a couple of police were murdered while defunding police. I will stop with now they want to get rid of your gas stove. (and 40% of voters are happy with all this)

    1. Remembering the inner city uprisings of the 1960s the insurance companies were given the opportunity to pay off at the current rates with a firm understanding that they would be able to continue a 10% raise in rates add infinitum Please remember my friends it’s all about the Benjamin’s. They will steal the farthings from your dead children’s eyelids

  5. The day is coming when they will get theirs, and that day is coming right soon.
    If they continue to block the peaceable exchange of power this country is founded on, there will be only one choice left, and they brought it down on their own heads.

  6. Because section three names specific offices, Senator and representative, and omits any mention of the office of president, section three does not apply to presidents. That’s just standard legal reasoning.

  7. Another commie in a political office in need of a long drop on a short rope.

  8. She needs to be bent over and introduced to the barbed both ways cox of Satan. Just sayin.

  9. If you mean they're all "brain-damaged and retarded", yes, they are all the same.

    Nothing that can't be cured with fire, bullets, some spare line, and lot of handy trees and poles.
    And probably only will be.

    They haven't seen an insurrection.
    But when it happens, it's going to get a lot less funny.

  10. Election rules are state matters, thus Pa. changing them during the election was a state level action, wrong on many levels, but done at the appropriate level. 14th Amendment is a federal matter, and I may well be wrong, and can be adjudicated only at that level. States do not have the authority. This prevents political assassination attempts. Oh, wait...

    1. Other than that they didn’t run the changes through their legislature as required…

  11. The Uniparty at work, at least it's finally out in the open.

  12. who voted this clown in?

    1. Nobody. She was "appointed by the legislature".

  13. The poisonous fruit of the George Soros Secretary of State project. First read about it more than a decade ago.
    He figured to get more bang for his bucks by targeting the down ticket office of SoS, less voter interest and Ad buys were cheaper. But who controls elections in most states? Secretary of State. With that and the Soros DA's he just about destroyed this country.

  14. Like the Borg......or lizard people.


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