Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The commies (aka as demonrats) are always trying to deflect the blame

 Caught with his britches down and with video evidence of him getting "jackhammered" by another dude in the Senate Hearing room, 24 year old DEMOCRAT staffer Aiden Maese-Czeropski is attempting to cry foul and claim that he is simply a victim of homophobia. These liberals never want to take responsibility for their own actions.  Aiden, who was employed and fired by democrat Ben Cardin, is no exception. The small piece I copied and pasted below was sent in by Ed in Moulton. He calls it like he see it. Keep in mind while reading this that Aiden allegedly filmed this pornographic homosexual movie himself.

From Ed:

 filmed himself having anal sex on a table in the Senate hearing room where lawmakers sit to ask questions during important proceedings like Supreme Court nominations.24-year-old congressional staffer of Democratic Senator, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, blames "homophobia" after he was fired over a leaked sex video he filmed of himself having anal sex on a table in the Senate hearing room where lawmakers sit to ask questions during important proceedings like Supreme Court nominations.  Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack for who I love for a political agenda.”

Senator Cardin confirmed that Maese-Czeropski had been fired from his position.

Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack for who I love for a political agenda.Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack(ed) for who I love for a political agenda.”

No, Mr. Maese-Czeropski, you were fired for two obvious reasons:  

  1. Because you wanted to show disdain for the political institutions of the greatest country on Earth in the most perverse, disgustingly unimaginable way by performing anal sex in a Senate hearing room.
  2. and you were fired because you were STUPID enough to film yourself performing said perverse sex act and releasing it to social media.  

Anyone THAT stupid is more than deserving to be fired--they are ASKING to be fired!

Stupid is as Stupid does, Mr. Maese-Czeropski!  Karma can be a WITCH!  And, as always, it's always someone else's fault!

Ousted Democrat Who Filmed Sex Tape Blames Homophobia - State of the Union (


  1. I'm sure the offices in Congress are full of these self-important, putrid, low-life creations of an education system out of control. His stupidity will yield him a tainted resume, loathing by decent people and probably a book deal from a publisher even more ignorant.

    1. Anyone with two brain cells knows that he didn't film the thing and wasn't alone when it was filmed. Show us the footage from the hall cameras that cover the doors so we can see who went in with him.

    2. “ Show us the footage from the hall cameras that cover the doors so we can see who went in with him.”

      How dare you sir! Don’t you know they are one of the protected class that rules don’t apply

  2. Shitty deal all the way around.
    Somebody should just kill this demented piece of shit and be done with it.

  3. Claiming victimhood is a winning gambit in modern American society. It's going to take the destruction of the country, its culture and the extermination of about 60% of the population to have the remaining 40% to come to terms with the realization that Orwell was the harbinger of things to come and Darwin was correct.

  4. For his homophobia claim to stick he's going to have to prove that someone filming straight sex in a senate hearing room keeping their job once the film came to light.

    Surely there must be such films from the Clinton era...

  5. my fallback as always.... liberal mudshark.....

  6. Needs a free ride off a grain elevator roof top just like the rest of them

  7. I suspect that this was not a surprise to anyone. There are security cameras all over that building and I suspect that the Capitol police recorded the event. This became public knowledge because the twit posted his own recording on social media. He seems to have a kink about having sex in public places.

  8. He'll undoubtedly sue and be awarded a huge settlement because of the "obvious" discrimination. This country is so doomed. I'm glad I'm 77 and won't be around to see it go belly up. Will? someone please start the revolution before I'm too infirm to participate?

    1. I with you brother, the years are catching up.

    2. He wants to make that claim and be awarded bazillion of dollars, that's fine. But before we write you that check, you tell us who the other rump ranger was, and who filmed it. Upon completion of that investigation, we will write you that check

  9. MOSSAD will keep releasing videos until the epstein judge (preska) backs off. virtually all senators and congresscritters and staffers are guilty or complicit. remember - there were multiple epsteins and the whole network reports to - boo boo. and what did the fag do two days before he got fired? he went up to a jewish congressman and said "free palestine". at least the fag can see genocide for what it is.

  10. Note that pumpkin on that Adam Schiff neck. I saw a picture of that specimen of American masculinity in swim trunks. It's disgusting. That thing doesn't look like it ever took the trash out. If Soy Boys had a centerfold, that thing would be it.

  11. I have read this occurred long ago and they knew. Don’t really care but good ax job on the congressman

  12. Why dear God did we allow the lunatics to run the asylum. For centuries these people were treated like the mental retards that they are, now we normalized them, for what I have no idea. It's time to stop giving them special treatment and start treating them like we treat the normal, law-abiding people. When will We The People wake up!?!?!?!

  13. homophobia is an arrogant conceited lie. who fears them, and why would they? the more correct term would be homonauseic. they put what where? knowing that it has been there?


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