Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Regarding the Ethanol Lamp.. Here's a longer vid.. Sound on...








  1. DAY-EM!!! Where can I get me one of them? In fact, I want a dozen!

  2. Flame snuck into the fuel bowl somehow?

    Good launch, and the landing was spectacular!
    Glad nobody got hurt! Browned his Bermuda's, most likely.

  3. Why is my heart so thrilled to watch that? I'm enjoying that A lot more than I probably should. Frikken hilarious, seeing that thing spit fire and apparently Unload itself in a cohesive lump,and it stays together and lands terrifying close to that guy who had almost enough time to realize sumpin ain't right.
    If that glob of flaming crap had nailed that guy, I hate to think how bad that would have been.
    I hope he crushes it before he tosses it, so nobody else gets summaThat..

    I wonder if he read the instructions..

  4. Quite a yellow flame for ethanol. Lucky fella though.

  5. That'll teach him to drink his ethanol.


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