Friday, December 22, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.. Finally Finished...










Stay safe out there and enjoy the weekend! 




  1. Hell of a Christmas set! Merry Christmas to you and yours, Irish!

  2. Thank you. You have quite the talent; being able to weave so many different images and themes together in a manner that flows so well. FFF is one of the few posts I look forward to each week. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas, from Eagle, ID

  3. Nice milk white on 2 (doubtless 3 hates it), nice pliance on 12, nice bouncy on 17, 22, 18 certainly is, hi, Bettie, nice contours on 28, I think we can all get behind 33 (insert punchline), nice pear on 53, 115, nice cougar in her natural habitat on 74, nice would you like some milk in your coffee as much as I'd like some cream in mine on 76, nice early 60s on 84, nice jailbait on 85, nice Liz Taylor on 91, nice looking older lady on 98, 142, nice Apache with no reservations on 116, nice uplift on 124, nice I'm ready on 126, nice if you insist on 130, nice again! on 131, nice muscles on 132, nice Ms Favor on 135, right, nice rear entry on 144.

    The truth on 38, noble sentiment on 111

  4. So many good ones it is easier to list the ones I didn't care for:
    Merry Christmas, Irish.

  5. Loni was great, but Jan Smithers was way hotter. Mary Ann over Ginger every time.

  6. Coffee girls keep the morning interesting, thanks Irish!

  7. 1 - Starting the night off with a lovely Porter. Brilliant!
    6 - The beginning of a MILF heavy night. MOTN 1st Alternate.
    7 - Subtle...... I like it.
    8 - GILF
    9 - The way a proper camp breakfast should look.
    17 - Taking a pounding and loving every minute of it.
    20 - Joanne Arnold May 1951 Playmate of the Month
    23 - Bettie Page at Miami Springs' Funland Amusement Park 1954
    24 - June Palmer from 1968 UK glamour model
    27 - Hertz Rent-a-Racer GT350-H
    30 - D
    36 - Pretty much.....
    38 - Wife : Yes.
    39 - Putt-TWANG!
    44 - Ford Tri Power
    45 - When they get to my p0rn folder, THAT is when things get interesting.
    56 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    60 - Temptation, and her lolipop.
    63 - OK, OK. I can take a hint.
    64 - Very Pretty.
    67 - The spot has been found.
    68 - The spot is always found.
    70 - Love a shy girl.
    74 - What my perfect fishing spot looks like.
    84 - POTN 3rd Alternate
    88 - Loni
    89 - Damn.....
    90 - The eyes say it all.
    95 - Suzzanne Somers 1980 Playboy pics to fund her kid's medical expenses. Almost fired from Threes Company.
    97 - Nicely done T/A
    98 - MOTN 3rd Alternate
    105 - Farmer's Daughter is always hotter in Green.
    106 - Some downright clean, dirty fun.
    107 - That is a beautiful 1951 Ford F1
    111 - Amen to that.
    118 - very cute, but needs to lose the hardware.
    120 - Brooklyn Decker
    121 - MOTN 2nd Alternate
    135 - Looks like a fun ride. I'll pass on the horse.
    136 - My POTN!
    139 - Farrah will always be my favorite Angel.
    142 - My MILF of the NIght.
    145 - No, Boss. Thank you. The pleasure is all ours!

    Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas to everyone!

    Whitehall, NY

    1. Leigh - number 60 is holding what use to be called an "all-day sucker". I'd like to hope it is appropriate for some lucky guy.

    2. Isn't number 6 Jewel Staite from Firefly/Serenity and Stargate Atlantis?

  8. Once again you have gone above and beyond.
    Thanks my friend and Merry Christmas!

  9. Incredible. #43 rings home tonight. Awesome job Irish

  10. Excellent... as usual.

  11. This is an epic showcase of Femme Fatales tonight! But I'm taking credit for #44. This Ford Tri-Motor was at the Airport near my town of Maryville, TN in October and I had to double check my photos for that day. Sure enough, it's one of mine. I ponied up the admission and took a ride in that 95 year old plane! It was an indeed, a magic carpet ride.

    Merry Christmas y'all.

  12. Best Christmas present ever sir. As always you have outdone yourself.

  13. Merry Christmas All and RIP Jessica.
    She died 10 years ago today.
    #GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

    1. So sorry for your loss, Gunny.

      Whitehall, NY

  14. Merry sweet Christmas Irish, thanks so much :)

  15. To quote the Minions "BANANANANA 🍌 "

  16. Thanks For The Mammaries. A Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  17. Merry Christmas to you Irish , and to all who visit your site.
    May the New Year bring good fortune and a brighter future for us and our country. God Bless All .

  18. Muchas gracias for the pics, Irish. Merry Christmas to you, your family and friends who visit your blog.

  19. Merry Christmas to all and here's to a 2024 that sees the Feral Irishman's galleries on every Friday!

  20. Man that is a lot of stuff. Really nice Firebird, Charger, Chevelle, and Mustang among the titties.

  21. The Foker the Flint lock the 50cal and the tri Motor......Thanks for a great spread.


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