Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Meanwhile In Britain, Please Hurry and Drop Dead.....

 Remember the commenting rules.




 H/t to Bruce





  1. When it started, I thought it was going to be a joke.
    He must be so proud of his daughter. /s

  2. Why is it always the White girl with the black guy and mixed kids and never the other way around. And why do the blacks in Britain speak like everyone else while here they have their own made up nonsense "language".

    1. I think it’s reflecting reality. Lots of black guys go for white girls, but the reverse is more rare.

      Regarding the language, read Thomas Sowell’s book “black rednecks & white liberals”.

    2. I can't really fault the brutha, I wouldn't marry a black chick, either.

  3. I wonder if they follow the German model and don't bother to wait until you're dead.

  4. That doesn’t sound carbon neutral at all and!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. The way Britain is going, cremation is looking like a better option that sticking around and seeing our country become an outpost of the third world.

    Ignore me, I'm just in a sour mood after pro-Palestinians forced a veteran to stop collecting for our armistice charity, the RBL poppy appeal. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/galleries/article-12719883/Poppy-seller-78-punched-attacked-pro-Palestine-mob.html

    1. "seeing our country become an outpost of the third world." Hate to tell you, but from where I sit, on the outside looking in and from 3000 miles to the West, you're already there.

      You blokes were overrun by citizens of every brown "British protectorate" after WWII and the dissolution of "The British Empire". Now, with the third world coming in by boat, plane and train every day, you're screwed, just like we are.

      I was at the grocery store this morning. Every shelf stocker I saw/heard there was speaking Spanish. When I looked at their name tags, all of the names were Spanish derivation. It used to be too cold for them here.


    2. Thanks BF.

      I showed my son the link because he’s got a friend in London. Apparently my son’s friend already told him about it.

      That’s a perfect illustration of why no Arab country wants them. They are just troublemakers

  6. Ha, I was waiting for the really bright light punchline where creamation is pure

  7. Replies
    1. I'm a little fried about it myself.

    2. I think you’re all being a bit inflammatory.

  8. The crop of Flanders wouldn't recognize what they sacrificed to the sharia replacement brigades

  9. ...and note in the last 5-10 seconds on the upper right "No Price Rise for 2022". A bargain.


  10. So they're pushing the vx?

  11. Here in the States, lots of 'direct cremation and burial' services exist. They'll pick up the body, help choose a viewing plan and/or style of urn, if wanted, and then handle it. Costs are usually less than a thousand. Significantly less than a traditional funeral home.

    1. After the funeral/viewing and your body is out of sight it is sent to a medical facility for harvesting.
      ALL of it is used.
      The ashes the family receive are hardwood.

  12. Frankly, I don't see a problem with cremation.

    1. The funeral home business is a big scam. They make tons of money at a time in a families life when they are grieving and can't make good decisions. Make those decisions yourself before hand. Me? I have already left specific instructions. Cremate me, put my ashes in a 50 cal ammo can and stencil on the side the specifics. Name, DOB, DOD and "I have no more fucks to give". No sprinkling me anywhere and I have to be passed forward.

    2. I've always wanted to have a Viking funeral, but don't have the kind of money required for that big of a boat. So I'm depending on all of y'all to put my carcass aboard one of Algore's yachts before you set fire to it. And just so you know, you won't hear me complaining if you handcuff him to the guardrail while you're at it.

    3. Good luck enforcing anything after you are dead. Future generations will do what they want; you no longer have a vote. Your only chance is if they like you enough to try to follow your instructions. Go more than a generation or two and they don't know you and don't care. You'll end up in someone's driveway, fireplace, or dumpster.

  13. Perfidious Albion is why we can't have nice things.

  14. Why pay at all? When you know that you're at the end of your time, Canada will off you for free under our free medicare system with the MAID (Medically assisted in Dying) program.
    I wonder how long it took to come up with that pathetic and sick acronym. \
    It is as disturbing as it is real. The government has encouraged the addicted, the homeless, the depressed, the chronically ill, and whoever else is having a bad day to explore this marvelous new healthcare option.
    Thanks, Irish, for all your great work.
    It is very much appreciated.

    1. Gives MAID services a whole new meaning..... can't wait for the feds to make it mandatory.
      Very Logan's Run, although this ad does remind me of the Quietus ads from Children of Men.
      Mike in Canada

  15. GREAT AD!!! They'll SMOKE the competition!!!

  16. Here In CA. we have "Aquamation" and my fav. "Human Composting" also.

  17. What's with the Western Oriental Gentleman in the family?

  18. Can they cremate the woodchipper's work?

    Because there is no G-d (just, or otherwise) if "he" doesn't start out alive in one end of a woodchipper.

  19. Looks like son in law is already a bit too burnt. Should have raised his daughter better. Direct cremation is how I handled my mom ( her wishes). I not only said goodbye but also got to click the icon on the screen to start the cremation process. The only way to go.

  20. Honestly, I thought this was a parody right up until the end.

  21. I want to be cremated, BUT...
    I want my wife to cram a funnel in my mouth and fill my belly with popcorn before the roast.
    I'll be watching in spirit form from the corner of the room at the expression on the cremator's face.

  22. If his social credit score is too low, they will cremate him before he dies....

  23. They're pushing cremation so the embalmers won't find the rubbery clots. Just sayin'.


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