Wednesday, October 25, 2023

"We Are Not Gonna Make It, Are We?"




 Can you imagine if these "children" had to endure these types of hardships?





  1. Oh, you poor, fucking dear! She sounds like Goldie Hawn in "GI Jane." Can you imagine this liddle kiddle in the MILITARY???

    "How do you have time for?..." Ask your parents, kid. They figured it out. Hell; they even had time to make, feed, clothe, and raise YOU!

    CRY.ME. A RIVER!...

    1. Actually, the movie was called "Private Benjamin "...

  2. I'll be your sugar daddy. You will only have to work 5 minutes a day......OK just bragging. Maybe 3 minutes. Who's yer daddy?????

  3. I almost pissed myself, welcome to the real world!

  4. Whaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa!

    From a guy who worked fulltime from the age of 16 to 68.

    Whaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaa!

    1. We are so screwed and tattooed. I get you, Henk. Sometimes I worked two jobs because the things I wanted for my family cost cash and I was never a thief. I will blow my brains out on the steps of city hall before I let someone like that take care of me in the nut and senile barn.

  5. mankind is doomed...people like her will be taking care of a lot us in a few years....i would rather wonder off in the woods and die alone...

  6. If she thinks this is bad, wait till she sees the taxes they take out of he first paycheck.

  7. Just show them your participation trophy sweetheart; they will take care of you then

  8. She seems to have plenty of time to get her nails done. So, she can schedule and prioritize when she wants too.

  9. lol 9-to-5 IN AN OFFICE and you're tired and can't get anything done? try 3:30-midnight working in a factory where you're lifting heavy parts all night.

    so sick of paper shufflers complaining about being tired after work....

  10. she has time to get her nails done. (2 hrs?) so.... priorities.

  11. We grow'em a little different here in the South 😉

  12. Seven days for three weeks, off Sunday,48 hours work, plus school, early out,for work, busy,accounted for, seventy hours, still ran a couple of tanks of gas through the car, that was as a junior in high school. Roughnecking, the rig is hardly ever close to home.. Working sixty hours, plugging and abandoning wells,that was enough to stay afloat.. I Needed seventy hours to kinda get ahead.
    Yeah, poor Baaaybee..
    I took care of the cars,played with the kid,did stuff, she's never been motivated to succeed.

  13. One can imagine the upstairs maid tucking in the young lords whilst giving them basic tutelage in the facts of life.

    PS Looks like somebody rerouted the comments.

  14. Call me a pessimist if you like, but that is what I have been talking about for the last several years on this site and others. Like it or not, we are doomed as a free society unless something drastic changes fairly quickly. The Marxists have played a fantastic ground game over the last 40-60 years. They get them as babies in day care, and continue to feed them bullshit from K-12+college. Now add in the BS social media like TikTok and Instagram where they keep feeding the masses with propaganda. Watch any new Netflix or Disney show and try not to vomit at the level of propaganda weaved into the stories. Of course they will not change us, but we are not their concern. We will be dead in a generation. Their concern is our kids and grandkids. Watch all of the pro-Palestinian protests in the streets of America. Watch the "Queers for Palestine" in NY. They would be killed in the Middle East for being LGBT by the same people they claim to support. You have to admit it. The Marxists are winning. It's not over, but I do not like the current climate.

  15. she shoulda got a degree in gender studies instead. that would make her life easier.

  16. "Somewhere, someone is sick of her shit"

    This is where and we're the ones.

  17. I feel for the dumb bastard who's gonna get mixed up with her.

  18. After about the sixth "like" @ ~30 seconds I wanted to punch her in the face and one of my philosophies of life is I'd never hit a woman.

    Then we wonder why the leaders of all of these turd world shit holes don't respect the USA anymore.


  19. Boohoo bitch....welcome to being an adult.

  20. To be honest, I've heard kids fresh out of school sounding like this since the '70s when I had my first job hiring kids like that. In that case they were just outta high school and working in their first full time jobs. Details were different, but the whine was pretty much the same.

    A few years ago, I heard an interview where a bunch of professional football players were having the reaction MrHappy described above. They were seeing their first paychecks with taxes taken out. Remember the minimum wage in the NFL is around a few hundred thousand/year.

  21. My family was poor white and had gotten up to lower middle class by the time I was in school. When each of us graduated HS we were shown the door to find our way. I was the last by 6 years, born in the late 50s. I went to work for the phone company to pay for college in the mid 70s. I met my wife in college and when we got out the economy wasn't good.

    I worked 100 hour weeks for the company I hired into and later was promoted as I setup their site and trained my staff. Later I was promoted and moved to handle other sites and people, but this did not cut down the traveling or hours.

    As Manager over time in the 2000s I found college graduates to be less and less as they wanted more money, but had less skills, they would require up to a year to bring up to speed, and would need to put time in but often did not think they needed to. It was easier to get non-college people that had some skills and then train them for the job and not pay as much.

  22. Babe, that's what weekends are for. Welcome to the real world.

  23. Is it possible this is a spoof? I can't get too excited over this. If true, this is only one kid raised by parents who gave her everything and didn't prepare her for the real world. She'll learn.
    If you want to see good, hardworking kids, watch the FFA annual convention coming up soon on RFD TV.

    1. My middle boy(3 boys,3girls) went to FFA national convention last year. Is now in construction trades at local community college.

  24. I leave the house at 0545, arrive at work at 0630 ish, open the shop at 0650, we start at 0700. I get off work at 1530, fight rush hour Hotlanta traffic and on a good day make it home at 1800 to cook dinner, watch the grandmonkeys, and get a shower afterwards. The grand monkeys leave about 2000, and then I get to push the reset button. In 58, and have been working either as active duty, or in the civilian market for over 40 years. She needed a good dose of reality growing up, and never got it.

  25. Spoiled, entitled child did your parents not give you chores, allowance for doing said chores? Parent failure is clearly seen here by this person.


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