Thursday, October 12, 2023

100 Memes To Keep You Busy... A Plethora of Purposeful Ponderings....











 Congratulations..  You made it almost all the way to the end.... but wait, there's more!!















Wanna feel old?





















  1. #1 - yep that's me. If I don't take notes, whatever it was might as well have never happend.
    #9 - I'll have to ask my girlfriend if she knows that one.
    #18 - that poor guy! if he got a penny per meme, he could retire.
    #20 - i think you can replace the word 'fruit' with the word 'anything'
    #27 - nothing else they're doing is likely to work.
    #31 - that's an awesome not-so-still-life.
    #42 - I still have the scar on my head. 5 stiches from a oak cutting board because I had him pinned to the kitchen (in hindsight, the worst place to fight your younger, bigger brother) floor with an elbow across the neck. This was after we caved in the drywall in the hallway opposite the bathroom, and removed the furnace room door from its hinges...
    #53 - i always use Comic Sans.
    #54 - Can't be. There isn't any smoke, there are no dead bodies, the windows are intact, and the saloon doors aren't hanging from one hinge.
    #55 - Ouch, the truth hurts...
    #56 - just how much good did that airbag do?
    #59 - i'm stealing that one.
    #61 - I think I woke the neighbors laughing at that one!!!!!
    #78 - So? The Romans used the term decimation...
    #81 - Yes, it should, but the parent(s) shouldn't get preferential treatment at all, and if they take baby home, it loses its birthright. If we disagree, that's ok.
    #89 - and the one across town is "The Best Fu King Chinese Restaurant"
    #92 - I know.
    #93 - I'm waiting for Israel to find out that the Saudi's have been bankrolling Hammas, after which they nuke Mecca.
    #95 - bullshit.

    excellent curation, as always!

    1. #93: The Saudis may or may not be funding Hamas, but we are:

  2. Uncle Bob looks pretty good for his age.

  3. Without the clue video, I just had a feeling old guy looked familiar.... He still sounds pretty damn good even considering his age. Let's face it, all 4 of those guys are gonna live forever through their musical impact. As opposed to Keef Richards who's just gonna live forever, literally...

  4. "2 illegal aliens having a baby shouldn't create a citizen".

    I laughed when I read that because Vivek Ramaswampy said he'll end birthright citizenship on his first day in office.
    On a side note, Ramaswampy was a beneficiary of "birthright citizenship" and yeah I know his parents were here legally but he still should've had to go thru the process.

    - WDS

  5. Mug shots! Yeah baby.

  6. It's just about music time & Led Zeppelin sounds like a good idea.

  7. #56 Were there any injuries?

  8. 89 is a restaurant in Lake City Florida. I've ordered take out from them.

  9. 26 - Hmmmm. Where can I acquire said $500 Taurus?????? Asking for a friend.

    Whitehall, NY


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