Monday, April 3, 2023

Well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Marjorie Taylor Greene doubles down on ‘Democrats are pedophiles' remark during 60 Minutes interview

Some Republican commentators have taken to calling Democrats "groomers" for supporting drag show events for children, with Tennessee attempting to ban the practice on public property and near schools. "Even Joe Biden, the president himself, supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children," Greene said. MORE


  1. "60 Minutes" Wow I haven't watched that in decades. It's still on the air?
    They should move it to Saturday night to replace SNL. It's funnier.

    1. The dems are fascinated with genitals, like 4 year old children.
      They never grew up and were coddled their whole lives.

  2. the interviewer looks like she would fit in well at a concentration camp. Loved the HMM at the end to show how "Deep" she is. The media is filled with jerks.

  3. Never, as long as you live, visit or read anything from Ya*oo news.

    1. I figure if the media is hating on it, then I am for it. LOL

    2. Yes. Yahoo news is right up there with tik tok.

  4. There is dumb. Then there is MTG and boebert sheer lunacy.

    Who wouldn't gasp . Muh watermarks lmao

    1. Can't stand the truth?

    2. And to top them off, there's Leslie Stahl and all the DNC Kooks & Pedos with worthless "degrees" who need a padded cell for their DANGEROUS lunacy. Ban Assault Trannies NOW!

    3. Stahl gave the same look when PresidentTrump told her that his campaign was spied on... it was. Stahl is a paid shill for the DirtyDEMS.

  5. There's a .gif floating out there on the Internets which shows Leslie Stahl eye-rolling at MTG's remarks.
    My thought was "Migawd! The years have NOT been good to Leslie."

    1. She looks like a shar-pei dog with a bad facelift.

  6. John--you are right on. I like Ms. Greene because she calls a spade a spade.

  7. Not enough horrible things can be said about the AGENDA. One cannot deny that it is all about destroying children and most specifically white children, as a mechanism for destroying the future of humanity and civilization.

  8. What? 60Minutes didn't deceptively edit the piece to make it far worse or spin it totally out of context? Is (the Christian) Hell freezing over?

  9. "Hmm".
    "Journalists" are evidently not trained in things like "logic" or "2+2 =4".
    Not sure what they are trained for, but it's not those 2 things.


    1. Journalism school is for those too dumb to get into teaching school. Teaching school is for those too dumb to do anything else. "Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach"

    2. "Those that can't teach move into administration.

    3. Those who cannot teach, work for the government

  10. Leslie Stahl's gaslighting isn't getting any traction.
    Greene calling a spade a spade has them pissing themselves.

  11. She likes dealing out the verbal smackdowns but hasn't accomplished much other than being a DC grifter like every damn one of the Uniparty. Thomas Massie is the only one there I would vote for president but he will never be selected as a candidate like trump and desantis

  12. 1st ANGLICO Sez, MTG is spot on. Stahl wouldn’t let her think about a response before it fired another question at her. No respect from the reporter. MTG handled the nonsense like a pro. Ukraine is not our headache, the U.S. is. Ukraine is a money laundering scheme. Lotsa money in beans, bullets and bandages, someone is making bank.

  13. You hear/read about this, this bifurcation, this split, a 'national divorce'.
    Words and labels kinds get in the way, stop thinking in those terms.
    Think about where you live, the town, AO, community, etc. Do they encourage activities in front of children you normally would need to be an adult to see? Do they promote lopping off body parts before 18? Can boys play girls sports? Kill your baby up to the minute it pops out? Move. Now.

    Thats it. Thats the divorce. The split. If you stay, your children will be trannies and your home stuffed with migrants. If we gather to select areas, and fight for what was America, we can rebuild . But not with the commies.
    If you don't want to do that, you're going to have to start killing a loooot of people.

    1. Grow some sharp teeth and fight. Find that intestinal fortitude and stay to fight.

      Every inch you sacrifice to the wicked, brings you that much closer to nowhere left to run.

      Maybe you've seeen a ball of bait fish. When under attack, all they do is run. Sure, it looks like the seek safety in numbers. But what each fish is really doing is trying to come into the middle, away from the attackers. Very quickly there are none left, all have perished.

      How much will you sacrifice to the enemy before you realize there is no place left to run?

    2. Okay.
      So what's the down-side...?
      No more screaming blue-haired freaks with silicone boobs and choppadikoffame surgeries gunning down kids?
      Seeing our enemies crushed and driven before us, to the tune of the lamentation of their wimmen?
      That'll be about as hard to sell as water in the desert.

  14. Journalism has not existed for quite some time now. What you are actually seeing now is called " propaganda ". Live not by lies my friends.

    1. Has it ever? Remember the Spanish-American War was started with "yellow" journalism. Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer for lying about what communism was all about in the Soviet Union. Walter Cronkite "the most trusted man in America" lied about the Viet Cong's Tet Offensive, which changed the average person's view of the conflict and eventually led to the US pulling out and leaving our allies to the "mercies" of the communist North Vietnamese.

  15. I wonder if Leslie can even remember when she sold out.

    That is not a "reporter," that is a wretched has-been well past her "use by" date vainly trying to still appear relevant. And failing.

  16. Leslie is a useful idiot propagandist. Love the fake "sense of appalment" at MTG's answer.

  17. There’s a word for Leslie. It rhymes with punt.

  18. seems about right.
    if the left can paint all republicans, without evidence, of being homophobic, xenophobic, misogynists, pro life, bible thumpers who want to make granny eat dog food before pushing her off a cliff,.....
    i think they should not resent being called groomers once in a while


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