Sunday, April 9, 2023

On Tonight's Episode Of FAFO... It all makes sense now...

"This brand has been in decline" she say. So she wants to attract new drinkers... and FAFO.





 Here's the video if the link goes bye-bye






  1. Apparently this brainiac doesn't realize that she's not going to increase her brand's market share by alienating what loyal regular customers her 'iconic' brand currently has.

    I'm not President of Marketing for Anheuser Busch but if I was I would make her a non-inclusive member of my company first thing Monday morning.

    1. And then he should promptly resign for having her been hireed and allowed to run this marketing campaign under his leadership. Lack of accountability is enabling this bullshit to destroy corporations.

    2. Yep. The secret of marketing is to hang on to your loyal customers while reaching out to new customers. Only a very low IQ person would think that making a mentally ill man who thinks he is a woman would not alienate your blue collar male customer base.

    3. So you alienate 90% of your customers to attract a portion that comprises less than 1% of the total population? This makes sense how?
      No matter how you slice it you end up with fewer buyers numerically.

    4. So having a "responsibility to our shareholders" is no longer a thing, huh?
      When the power goes out, the hangings will have to be by torchlight.


    5. Mafia “protection” racket, 21st century style.

      First, read this.

      Then take a look at this:

      Which seem “normal” to you, or, put another way, un-brain-damaged?

      Don’t forget to pay attention to who their “partners” are.
      See what you’re up against?
      Can you boycott the whole world?

    6. @ghostsniper April 10, 2023 at 9:00 PM

      "Which seem 'normal' to you, or, put another way, un-brain-damaged?"

      Between faggots that want to beat me? And "faggots" that want me to lose, gracefully?

      Sorry, boss, they're the same picture.

  2. For sure, a campaign with a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman will attract other men, and one that celebrates a man who behaves like the most disgusting caricature of a woman, would attract lots of women.

  3. She didn't built that. So she has no loyalty to it. One wonders how such a person finds herself as a VP of a major company with so little contribution of her own.


    1. excellent point. Someone with 15-20 years with blood, sweat and tears poured into a company's success would be much less eager to destroy all that hard work with an idiotic, woke move that was sooo plainly doomed to failure.

  4. F__K her..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. One would have to drink a lot of real beer before "she" becomes desirable.

    2. Why do they always look like Jacinda from NZ, Hochul, Whitmer, AOC as the dark-meat version, with all the teeth and a long skinny head?

  5. So going after the .05% of the population that is trans is the way to save the brand?

  6. Clearly a delusional, brainwashed, psychotic, "useful idiot"...

  7. Back about 1994-ish, Bud Light had the "Ladies Night" ad campaign with guys (sporting mustaches) wearing bad wigs and ugly dresses to get ladies night prices... wouldn't drink the slop then, still won't now, but that ad was fun and funny (and nobody got their panties in a wad).
    Mike the EE

    1. Agreed, but their campaign couldn't keep up with the "Tastes Great, Less Filling" competition ads.

  8. Lite beer's appeal was same alcohol content with fewer calories, IMO. Probably b.s. I know several hard core beer drinkers who buy lite beer so I don't think I'm far off the mark. These same drinkers will kick you ass if you suggest they are homosexuals.

    Over and over these "woke" fools are learning wallet votes can't be rigged. Go woke, go broke.

  9. No no no we need millions more like her. Don't forget, Blackrock still directs the Federal Reserve on what ETF's and or ETN's to buy so they buy the ones elites are needing to sell while the treasury is looted. Our next president's name should be NERO.

  10. Replies
    1. She's a younger of Joy Behar, Babs Striesand and Judge Judy.

  11. Budweiser could have saved a lot of face by an immediate mass firing at Headquarters.

  12. Except it is the current (p)resident that fiddles while it all burns to the ground....

  13. Blah, blah, blah... This dumbass did not care one tiny little bit about the "iconic brand" that she knew damn well she was about to blow up when she wrote a big check to that delusional dipshit for his "endorsement", such as it was. Her mission was the same as all the other woketard leftist assclowns, normalize the utter lie of transgenderism. This entire reaction, from the initial outrage and cratering sales numbers right down to her sniveling "I'm a business woman" and even I'm shocked at the backlash nonsense in this video. That was all scripted and rehearsed and fine tuned, right down to the hand gestures long before the first phone call to their new spokesman. This was all planned, not saying it was a necessarily good plan, but it was planned. They knew damn well this was going to happen. Every bit of it.

  14. yes indeed. everyone buys things to be more "Inclusive" IDIOT.

  15. Cui Bono all the way. See who short sold Annheiser Busch right before the new marketing campaign hit the air. Then when the stock is in the garbage, buy back in to ride the rebound when the mea culpas from mgnt and the fired marketing depart are announced.

    Spin Drift

  16. She sounds just as stupid as any other woke, propagandized and programmed moron from the last twenty years. Wokeism is a pervasive stench and it seems to pervade leftists' brains like maggots on rotting flesh.

  17. It wears a wedding ring. Imagine being the poor schmuck who wakes up with that harridan every morning.

    1. Haha. Right!

    2. I think we can all agree that if this social justice warrior is married (to a male), he is a beta, man-bun sporting, highly indoctrinated (as opposed to educated) leftist twat with less testosterone than she has.

    3. Yessir, Matthew, you got my point, perfectly.

    4. I have a feeling that her "dick" is bigger than his. He is probably getting "pegged" with a strap-on three days a week.

  18. Jochen Zeitz: Watch how fast I can piss off our customer base, and likely kill the motor company. Alissa Heinerscheid: Here, hold my beer. Literally.

  19. New drinker market? That's a laugh. First, you have to convince them to drink. Nearly all my kids and friends, if they drink at all, have something nice, usually a craft beer or cider, maybe wine. From what I've seen of my extended family, that's sort of the rule with that generation.

    Light beers, and even the flaghips - Bud, miller, etc - have always been the beer of choice of barflys and drunks. Same alcohol but cheaper, and you can drink more. Mostly men, too. The light thing only works if you have one or two. Drink 12, you're no better off.

    Most of the people I know that drink bud light are my age or older, that spent years partying hard and just want a cheap buzz. Most women of that age go for godawful white claw or some other seltzer abomination. Personally, if I'm out to get hammered I'll have a handful of high octane local brews.

  20. Another psychotic narcissistic "double down" idiot makes the front page.

  21. Our, current, wives' daughters need life options.

  22. The comments above are all on target. But here's a suggestion for AB: If you want to sell beer to ME (and others like me), make a beer with more flavor. I know tons of light beer drinkers. They drink what they like and more power to them. But craft beers have gouged a big chunk out of AB and other US old-school brewers markets. That's the kind of beer a lot of us buy now. The only way to take back some of that market share is to make a competitive product. The answer is NOT to fall prey to the modern rule of business which is "Get Woke, Go Broke."

  23. Boycott AB products, simple as.
    Their beer brands are shit anyway!

  24. Frank P nails it. Bud/Bud Light could fix their sales problem by making a better, more palatable product. Normal or not, folks like decent products more than poor products. I believe her statements about seeking to increase Butt Wipe's sales is either steeped in extreme folly or she is gaslighting everyone about the matter. You don't drive sales by trying to appeal to 1-3% of the population and radical marxist social agendas add zero appeal for sane people. She's either a total idiot or a complete liar.

    1. BTW-we were calling it "butt wipe" back in the 80's, just because it was so bad.

  25. I learned what true beer tasted like in my Frat in the mid 70s at UCLA and it was not AB. Me and my 3 other roommates over time got every type of beer made in the US and international and learned what each one liked. Also light beer is just bad and I could never understand people drinking it as water or flavored water is better.

    This marketing by AB is a killer for their Corporation in sales and stock. The people that buy their product do not really appreciate beer and why their Marketing Dept did this is insane. I would expect most of their Marketing Dept to be gone shortly and many in their upper staff also. Overall all the Trans marketing in Corporations is negative for each Corporation and they should have learned the words by now: GO WOKE, GO BROKE.

  26. 'involve and elevate'.

  27. The tranny advertisements make me long for the old, non-controversial ads featuring black men with white wives or the upper middle class black families going camping.

  28. Gentlemen, when I studied medicine back in the 80's we were taught intersex was 1/10 000 anomaly and transgenderism was not taught. The world is being groomed for "Big Mike" to be lauded as the first Black, Gay, Tranny POTUS. You are welcome!

  29. Call their toll free number and simply say, “you folks lost my business.” They be keeping score.


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