Sunday, April 9, 2023

Has Anyone Been Down The Rabbit Hole Of The Restrict Act aka Patriot ACT 2.0?










  1. Time to tell the "elected" weasels that we are gunning for their job if they pass this.
    Words cannot BEGIN to describe the dangers!!

  2. Ya can't stop the signal Mal.
    They mistakenly believe that can do anything they want without repercussions, they seriously believe it at this point.

    Do they still believe they are safe to walk down the street right now, at this point already?
    The answer to that is an emphatic no.
    Why do they think they are going to be able to separate themselves from society at large when they are more dependent on society to survive than anyone else?
    They produce absolutely nothing and provide no beneficial services either at this point.
    If ever the term Useless Eater applied to anyone, it would be them.

    1. they already know that people will be coming after them. remember the last bill/law/bullshit they passed ?
      one small item in there. 2.5 million of THEIR home security. I don't know about you, but I could do a lot with that kind of money to secure my house. the first patriot act was a massive fuck up that a lot of those dumb fucks sign
      off on. I have often wonder if those clowns even look at the so called bills and laws they vote on.
      this is one more step to martial law that they want. just like defunding the LOCAL police is one step to a federal police force. if they ever get that in place, we are done for. dave in pa.

    2. They don't look at them. I think it was Tucker who had Miss Lindsey on last week and Tucker finally got him to admit he'd never read the damn thing and really didn't know what was in it. Miss Lindsey's purpose for being on Tucker was to defend the bill. That didn't work out so well.

  3. Yes, it is GOD AWFUL for liberty and freedom

  4. Mr. Mackey was just the first of many social media, J6 futurettes, of the many more if this law passes based on rumblings I've heard/read. Be prepared to follow Solzhenitsyn's advice about gathering with picks, shovels, pokers for when the security operatives come at night. When the mass at your neighbors house after the first one the rest are free.

    I do love their cute names for these bills, they are so convincing, you know. Inflation reduction act, cares act, patriot act. How bout they write the FUCK ME act and I will with a red hot poker.

    Did you know that Supreme Court justice Brett Cavanaugh helped shit head bush jr.'s administration write the patriot act? You could look it up.

  5. A totalitarian’s wet dream.

  6. Oh sure. And when I emailed Chucky Grassley (one of the swamp co-sponsors and one of my sinators) about how this bill could (would) be used to regulate (censor) free speech on the web, he assured me that oh no, it's just going to go after the evil ccp and tiktok.
    ...Just like homeland security was only going after terrorists (and not U.S. citizens).
    Yeah, my faith in our government has been restored.....NOT!

  7. I might suggest that people begin to pay attention to what they post online. Threats of any kind will be viewed most unfavorably by the Stasi in Washington D.C.

  8. They obviously don't GAF what you think, and they know you won't do shit about it.

    1. You, sir, obviously do not KNOW ME!

      I have more American made guns than The Taliban. More ammunition than The Taliban. I've had it since The British tried to rule Afganistan.

      And I VOTE!


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