Friday, September 2, 2022












  1. B u s t e d. That was some funny shit right thar.

  2. damn, that was a good laugh. thanks. reminds me of a time long ago in west berlin, my buddy Scott was starting to pick up on this really hot redhead in the club. they went from the bar to a booth and things where looking good, I guess. then after 5 minutes, Scott decks the hell of "her" and hauls ass out of the place. takes me a few minutes to catch up as he a runner
    he told me that bitch had a hardon and he freaked out. and yes, "she"/it was really hot looking too.
    never went back to that club either. didn't matter much as there where hundreds of spots to go in west berlin back then.
    we where a lot more careful after that.

    1. I was at Scholfield barracks in Hawaii and lunch time was best time for a haircut, except for the long line. I found the barber shop over on Wheeler and it was empty! I could get a haircut and still have time to eat. One day I noticed the barbers nipples weren’t exactly symmetrical, one was normal other was way out in left field. Might have been a tranny, might be why they he place was empty.

  3. Oh you cheeky bastard!

  4. Needed a laugh this morning, but now I need some eye bleach to get that image out of my head.

  5. LOL, nothing getting a good laugh on a Friday! Nemo

  6. She knows damn well she has a nice ass. She also knows everyone is checking it out. The friend is just jealous lol

    1. JB I think you missed it, quit looking at that ass like I did and see the face.

  7. Great laugh this morning right after I threw up breakfast.

  8. Photoshop folks. Look closely - if you can

  9. Never know what the burqa is hiding...



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