Thursday, September 1, 2022

Meme Dump....






  1. #98 A few years ago my cardiologist, a new one at the time, changed my heart med prescriptions because I told him they occasionally didn't work. The change resulted in skyrocketing BP and POUNDING head aches, something I have never had. He then proposed to give me a third new med to counteract the effects of the first two. I told him he was an idiot and fired him.

    #106 Mussolini - What was Mussolini's job before he became dictator of Italy? He was a "journalist".


  2. When I grow up, hell I want to be pinochet now.

  3. 92 No one else noticed the Klingon in the pic? Glad I'd just swallowed my coffee when I saw it!

  4. Good stuff, but sometimes less is more.


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