Sunday, July 17, 2022

November Isn't Gonna Be What Some Think It Will Be...









  1. I sure hope nobody drops fire into all those voter drop boxes . That would be terrible !

  2. I'm hoping you're wrong. Several of the most egregious RINO's aren't running The one's that are seem to be fighting ineffectively for their continued employment, including your reviled Senator Maggie Hassan. Then there's the once again planned steal which the Demonrats will again try to foist off as another free and fair election. As long as voting machines, connected to the internet are in play, there will never be another fair election, IMHO.


  3. ...And lest we forget the latest flavor of COVID that the MSM says is bearing down upon us... You know; the "midterm variant..."

    No, I think "fair elections" are the stuff of history in this country... Only when America collapses from within will people realize that the world needed her... And it'll be too late...

  4. I really don't give a rats ass about the media saying the 2020 election was legit. Anyone with half a brain knows that there's no way Biden won. What bothers me more is that bloggers are saying that November is going to be the big savior of the country. I say, "No way!" They did it in 2020 and got away with it. With very few Republicans challenging the results of that election, what makes people think that the Demorats won't do it again? It's politicians against the American way of life. They're (Republicans and Democrats) bound and determined to make us all serfs. Country is doomed.

  5. If we get there. No tellun what they have planned up to that.

  6. For me the first clearance item I must have for every single "-R" running for office anywhere at any level and those with remaining terms: Would you vote to return Bitch McConnell to his pseudo throne (senate) or Kevin McCarthy to his in the "house". And affirmative response constitutes rejection for cause. What also makes me crazy are those so easily willing to jump on the USS DeSantis who has never (Never) been tested to the extent Trump has. DeSantis has enjoyed a the alliance of both a friendly Florida state senate which at the fed level Trump never got even close to besides the shivs at never took the heat of three (3) sham impeachment attempts let alone with assist from serpents McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy and the many "-R's" allied with them... nor an out of control Dept. of Just-Us and their armed jackboot proxy fbi, FISA web/s, and some six-hundred 3-letter agencies also aligned against him including state media at al ad infinitum. Past this, DeSantis is a relatively young man and has plenty of time on his horizon along with a wife recently treated for a deadly disease with young children between them. And who would replace DeSantis and the safe guarding of Florida's 30 Electoral College votes. No, this is it. Trump is not perfect, but despite several disastrous appointments he is tested and proven. Anyone really want to witness a Trump vs DeSantis spectacle at this point with the Country in absolute free fall and as of this post with but 544 DAYS of Biden and his cadre of Kalorama freaks, trannies, and outright marxists. Hopefully both will meet on this and much more in private and final chance to retrieve this still most noble Country from the Abyss. We are out of options at this point in history besides kinetic SHTF.

    1. Excellent comment, Anon. I'm in complete agreement

    2. Excellent comment, Anon. I'm in complete agreement.

    The algorithm is in place.

  8. Wayne Allyn Root has a similar take to that of Mr. Anonymous above.

  9. I'm pretty sure that meme is inaccurate. The reality of it is our Rino team would be over there, holding his dick and helping him aim. I'm so sick of them, I can't even remember their names. It's easier to keep up with the ones who aren't screwing us.
    I don't even remember the two who ran to the rescue of the installation of a damned gun grabber to run the ATF. I wonder if they had needed twelve or fifteen votes how many alleged Republicans would have stabbed America in the back and helped push it through.
    And what about all those democrats who have recently Changed Parties? Will that brand new R on their lapel get them elected? Did they change parties because they finally see what the democrats are and what they are doing to America? ( rhetorical question)
    It's just more Uniparty crap.


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