Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Meme-O sent in by Nemo....


 Share away. 

One thing I notice is the left still talks , a LOT, about Trump. He's been out of office for over a year

and a half and is living rent free in their collective psyche.

 I seldom see any Obama memes or posts about him or moose circulating the blogs.

He is the one that brought Trump. 

It will be interesting to see who Brandon summons.


Enjoy your week,






  1. As of July President PedoPeter got an upgrade to Agent 009

    1. Remember is really double that amount based on the 1980 definition Carter (didn't) and Reagan (did) had to deal with

    2. Add fuel, electricity, and food into the inflation equation and he is 0034.

  2. What were we talking about......?

    1. The inflation rate...
      Under President Trump it was 1.5-2%...
      Along came President PedoPeter and in 18 months we get 7% in May, climbing to 9% in July...
      (These are "official" inflation rates using the Gov friendly way of counting that was changed a few years ago...If the same metrics were used as the ones from the previous all time high inflation {Thanks Carter} it would be 15-20% inflation today).

      MSG Grumpy

  3. Replies
    1. geez i'm old.... old enough to remember the commercial that line came from... and if you remember, you are old too

  4. Is that a real "Turning Point USA" meme? Whoever it came from, shame on them. The First Amendment to the Constitution does not give us the right to free speech, it merely acknowledges and protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press. We have that right just by being human.

    It also protects the natural right to peaceful assembly; some take that to mean that if you have enough people pissed off about some particular thing it's perfectly fine to throw a mass tantrum and trash everyone else's rights and property. It does not. It also protects the natural right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; some take that to mean that if you have a beef with another private citizen or group you can ask the government to force or intimidate them to do what you want or shut up or think like you do. It does not.

    Real Civics needs to be taught again as part of elementary and secondary education, unfortunately the majority of teachers think like the morons I describe above and are instructing their students to think the same.

  5. The US constitution does not give anything other than a select few jobs for our elected representation and their civil servants. It does bear witness to that which is undeniable, our life, our liberties and our pursuit of happiness that also includes our freedom of speech , and our freedom to defend ourselves from attack. Whether it be from the uncivil and immoral and or its selected government. All they want is to deny you any ability to stop the hope and change globally.

  6. When I was growing up, in Jr. High, and also in High School, there were liberal teachers, who did not attempt to hide their leanings, but were proud of their feelings. But back when I was in school, graduating high school in 1978, the term liberal meant a totally different thing from what it means today.
    A liberal of the 1970's, especially the late 70's, was a person who number one, wanted to ensure that the poorest people were taken care of, by way of the federal government giving them both money, ala direct cash payments, and food assistance. And also help them attempt to move out of the cycle of poverty through education, also by not only paying for college, or a GED first, if they needed to get that first, but childcare as well, to allow the person, usually a single mother, to go to college, and lift her out of poverty by getting a better job that would raise her entire family out of poverty. It didn't hurt the Democrats that by doing these things, it made a Democrat voter for life.
    The Republicans were not really on board with that plan, but a quick way to describe it was the idea that a raising water level raised all boats evenly. So by creating a strong economy, by reducing taxes and bureaucracy on businesses, it would let them invest more in their existing businesses, and hire more workers, and pay more money to their workers, thus helping all of them.
    Looking back, and many of the various presidents, and their chosen cultural wars, from FDR's war on poverty, to LBJ and his continued war on poverty, with a different emphasis. Continuing on to Nixon and his ill conceived war on drugs, and Nancy with her famous just say NO!, that was at best, naive. Who can forget George W. Bush's war on terror, which, like all of the other wars on an ideology, is unwinnable.
    These wars, as the people who conceive them, and make them part of their administration's policy, have one thing in common. They can never be won, they can continue to have money thrown at them, with literally no real accounting of how it is spent, and they really have no yardstick to measure just how we are doing as far as even winning, if it were indeed possible.
    While the term liberal today is more akin to socialist, the Democrats actually are proud to use the term Democrat Socialist, to define what they think makes it more palatable to someone who they consider part of what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were so willing to come out and define as a basket of deplorables and bitter clingers to their God, Bibles, and Guns. It shows just how out of touch the left really is to the heart of Americans, and why a man like Donald Trump, who is in actuality a jackass, but who, upon further study, we find out is in truth a decent man, who goes out of his way to help those who cannot help themselves, flying them to get lifesaving operations, paying for the surgery, and the room and board of the loved ones, and refusing any publicity, just because he can. Does he do things that infuriate me? Oh, yes he sure does. Can I ignore it and vote for him a third time? I have fought a battle in my own mind, and I now think that yes, I can.
    At least Trump has some respect for the U.S. Constitution, and is able to be convinced of things when he is proven to be wrong. As for the Democrats, John F. Kennedy himself, if he were alive today, would not be welcomed in their party, due to the fact that he is too conservative.

  7. The first Amendment , the bill of rights and or the complete constitution does not offer anything to civil and moral humans in America. It only bears witness to that which was and still fully understood as unalienable from the individual. Our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that includes your ability to defend yourself from attack even from government . It does assign the few jobs to a republican style of government as we were promised , the same jobs they intentionally ignore today. It also gives US the remedy for when our elected representation decide that it can ignore its few responsibilities.


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